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id: create-fragment-zh-CN
title: Keyed Fragments
Upgrade to Jekyll 3 Full list of changes is at The tl;dr of it is: - Relative permalinks were removed, so all the files in the `docs` subdirectory need their permalink to be prefixed with `docs/` - `post` and `page` types were renamed to `posts` and `pages` respectively - `jekyll-paginate`, `pygments` and `redcarpet` are all now optional, so I needed to explicitly add it to the Gemfile. Jekyll now uses `rouge` rather than `pygments` for syntax highlighting, but rouge does not support highlighting individual lines (`hl_lines`) so we need to continue using Pygments. - Layout metadata (eg. `sectionid`) is now on a `layout` variable rather than `page` Tested the following pages and confirmed that they all work: - "Docs" link (getting started page): - Downloads: - Tutorial: - A few pages under the "docs" subdirectory, to confirm they're working properly: - - - - A few tips: - - - Non-English versions of the page: - -
9 years ago
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在大多数情况下,你可以使用 `key` prop 指定你从 `render` 返回的元素的 keys。然而,这在一个情况下会失败:如果你有两组你需要记录的子级,将没有办法在不使用包裹元素的情况下放置一个 key 到每组上。
var Swapper = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
// `leftChildren` and `rightChildren` can be a string, element, array, etc.
leftChildren: React.PropTypes.node,
rightChildren: React.PropTypes.node,
swapped: React.PropTypes.bool
render: function() {
var children;
if (this.props.swapped) {
children = [this.props.rightChildren, this.props.leftChildren];
} else {
children = [this.props.leftChildren, this.props.rightChildren];
return <div>{children}</div>;
这些子级会在当你改变 `swapped` prop 时加载和卸载,因为没有任何的 key 标记在这两组子级上。
要解决这个问题,你可以使用 `createFragment` 插件来给予这两组子级 keys.
#### `Array<ReactNode> createFragment(object children)`
var createFragment = require('react-addons-create-fragment');
if (this.props.swapped) {
children = createFragment({
right: this.props.rightChildren,
left: this.props.leftChildren
} else {
children = createFragment({
left: this.props.leftChildren,
right: this.props.rightChildren
被传入对象的 keys (即 `left``right`)被用作为整组子级的 keys,并且对象 keys 的顺序被用于决定渲染子级的顺序。通过这个改变,这两个子级将会恰当的在 DOM 里排序,而不被卸载。
`createFragment` 的返回值应该被对待为一个不透明的对象;你可以使用 `React.Children` 来遍历一个 fragment 但是不应该直接访问它。同样注意,我们依赖于 JavaScript 引擎保留了对象的枚举顺序,这点在 spec 上是不保证的,但是所有主要的浏览器和 VMs 都对非数字键的对象实现了这个特性。
> **注意:**
> 将来,`createFragment` 也许会被替换为如下的API:
> ```js
> return (
> <div>
> <x:frag key="right">{this.props.rightChildren}</x:frag>,
> <x:frag key="left">{this.props.leftChildren}</x:frag>
> </div>
> );
> ```
> 允许你直接在 JSX 里赋值 keys 而不用添加包裹元素。