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id: style-props-value-px
title: Shorthand for Specifying Pixel Values in style props
layout: tips
Upgrade to Jekyll 3 Full list of changes is at The tl;dr of it is: - Relative permalinks were removed, so all the files in the `docs` subdirectory need their permalink to be prefixed with `docs/` - `post` and `page` types were renamed to `posts` and `pages` respectively - `jekyll-paginate`, `pygments` and `redcarpet` are all now optional, so I needed to explicitly add it to the Gemfile. Jekyll now uses `rouge` rather than `pygments` for syntax highlighting, but rouge does not support highlighting individual lines (`hl_lines`) so we need to continue using Pygments. - Layout metadata (eg. `sectionid`) is now on a `layout` variable rather than `page` Tested the following pages and confirmed that they all work: - "Docs" link (getting started page): - Downloads: - Tutorial: - A few pages under the "docs" subdirectory, to confirm they're working properly: - - - - A few tips: - - - Non-English versions of the page: - -
9 years ago
permalink: tips/style-props-value-px.html
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When specifying a pixel value for your inline `style` prop, React automatically appends the string "px" for you after your number value, so this works:
var divStyle = {height: 10}; // rendered as "height:10px"
ReactDOM.render(<div style={divStyle}>Hello World!</div>, mountNode);
See [Inline Styles](/react/tips/inline-styles.html) for more info.
Sometimes you _do_ want to keep the CSS properties unitless. Here's a list of properties that won't get the automatic "px" suffix:
- `animationIterationCount`
- `boxFlex`
- `boxFlexGroup`
- `boxOrdinalGroup`
- `columnCount`
- `fillOpacity`
- `flex`
- `flexGrow`
- `flexPositive`
- `flexShrink`
- `flexNegative`
- `flexOrder`
- `fontWeight`
- `lineClamp`
- `lineHeight`
- `opacity`
- `order`
- `orphans`
- `stopOpacity`
- `strokeDashoffset`
- `strokeOpacity`
- `strokeWidth`
- `tabSize`
- `widows`
- `zIndex`
- `zoom`