id: clone-with-props
title: Cloning ReactElements
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> Note:
> `cloneWithProps` is deprecated. Use [React.cloneElement](top-level-api.html#react.cloneelement) instead.
In rare situations, you may want to create a copy of a React element with different props from those of the original element. One example is cloning the elements passed into `this.props.children` and rendering them with different props:
var cloneWithProps = require('react-addons-clone-with-props');
var _makeBlue = function(element) {
return cloneWithProps(element, {style: {color: 'blue'}});
var Blue = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var blueChildren = React.Children.map(this.props.children, _makeBlue);
return < div > {blueChildren}< / div > ;
< Blue >
< p > This text is blue.< / p >
< / Blue > ,
`cloneWithProps` does not transfer `key` or `ref` to the cloned element. `className` and `style` props are automatically merged.