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title: "Community Round-up #14"
author: [vjeux]
The theme of this first round-up of 2014 is integration. I've tried to assemble a list of articles and projects that use React in various environments.
## React Baseline {#react-baseline}
React is only one-piece of your web application stack. [Mark Lussier]( shared his baseline stack that uses React along with Grunt, Browserify, Bower, Zepto, Director and Sass. This should help you get started using React for a new project.
> As I do more projects with ReactJS I started to extract a baseline to use when starting new projects. This is very opinionated and I change my opinion from time to time. This is by no ways perfect and in your opinion most likely wrong :).. which is why I love github
> I encourage you to fork, and make it right and submit a pull request!
> My current opinion is using tools like Grunt, Browserify, Bower and multiple grunt plugins to get the job done. I also opted for Zepto over jQuery and the Flatiron Project's Director when I need a router. Oh and for the last little bit of tech that makes you mad, I am in the SASS camp when it comes to stylesheets
> [Check it out on GitHub...](
## Animal Sounds {#animal-sounds}
[Josh Duck]( used React in order to build a Windows 8 tablet app. This is a good example of a touch app written in React.
[Download the app...](
## React Rails Tutorial {#react-rails-tutorial}
[Selem Delul]( bundled the [React Tutorial](/tutorial/tutorial.html) into a rails app. This is a good example on how to get started with a rails project.
> ```sh
> git clone
> cd react-rails-tutorial
> bundle install
> rake db:migrate
> rails s
> ```
> Then visit http://localhost:3000/app to see the React application that is explained in the React Tutorial. Try opening multiple tabs!
> [View on GitHub...](
## Mixing with Backbone {#mixing-with-backbone}
[Eldar Djafarov]( implemented a mixin to link Backbone models to React state and a small abstraction to write two-way binding on-top.
[View code on JSFiddle](
[Check out the blog post...](
## React Infinite Scroll {#react-infinite-scroll}
[Guillaume Rivals]( implemented an InfiniteScroll component. This is a good example of a React component that has a simple yet powerful API.
hasMore={true || false}
loader={<div className="loader">Loading ...</div>}>
{items} // <-- This is the "stuff" you want to load
[Try it out on GitHub!](
## Web Components Style {#web-components-style}
[Thomas Aylott]( implemented an API that looks like Web Components but using React underneath.
[View the source on JSFiddle...](
## React vs Angular {#react-vs-angular}
React is often compared with Angular. [Pete Hunt]( wrote an opinionated post on the subject.
> First of all I think it’s important to evaluate technologies on objective rather than subjective features. “It feels nicer” or “it’s cleaner” aren’t valid reasons: performance, modularity, community size and ease of testing / integration with other tools are.
> I’ve done a lot of work benchmarking, building apps, and reading the code of Angular to try to come up with a reasonable comparison between their ways of doing things.
> [Read the full post...](
## Random Tweet {#random-tweet}
<div><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Really intrigued by React.js. I&#39;ve looked at all JS frameworks, and excepting <a href="">@serenadejs</a> this is the first one which makes sense to me.</p>&mdash; Jonas Nicklas (@jonicklas) <a href="">December 16, 2013</a></blockquote></div>