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id: jsx-gotchas-zh-CN
title: JSX 陷阱
Upgrade to Jekyll 3 Full list of changes is at The tl;dr of it is: - Relative permalinks were removed, so all the files in the `docs` subdirectory need their permalink to be prefixed with `docs/` - `post` and `page` types were renamed to `posts` and `pages` respectively - `jekyll-paginate`, `pygments` and `redcarpet` are all now optional, so I needed to explicitly add it to the Gemfile. Jekyll now uses `rouge` rather than `pygments` for syntax highlighting, but rouge does not support highlighting individual lines (`hl_lines`) so we need to continue using Pygments. - Layout metadata (eg. `sectionid`) is now on a `layout` variable rather than `page` Tested the following pages and confirmed that they all work: - "Docs" link (getting started page): - Downloads: - Tutorial: - A few pages under the "docs" subdirectory, to confirm they're working properly: - - - - A few tips: - - - Non-English versions of the page: - -
9 years ago
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JSX 与 HTML 非常相似,但是有些关键区别要注意。
> 注意:
> 关于 DOM 的区别,如行内样式属性 `style`,参考 [DOM 区别](/react/docs/dom-differences.html)
## HTML 实体
HTML 实体可以插入到 JSX 的文本中。
<div>First &middot; Second</div>
如果想在 JSX 表达式中显示 HTML 实体,可以会遇到二次转义的问题,因为 React 默认会转义所有字符串,为了防止各种 XSS 攻击。
// 错误: 会显示 “First &middot; Second”
<div>{'First &middot; Second'}</div>
有多种绕过的方法。最简单的是直接用 Unicode 字符。这时要确保文件是 UTF-8 编码且网页也指定为 UTF-8 编码。
<div>{'First · Second'}</div>
安全的做法是先找到 [实体的 Unicode 编号]( ,然后在 JavaScript 字符串里使用。
<div>{'First \u00b7 Second'}</div>
<div>{'First ' + String.fromCharCode(183) + ' Second'}</div>
可以在数组里混合使用字符串和 JSX 元素。
<div>{['First ', <span>&middot;</span>, ' Second']}</div>
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{'{{'}}__html: 'First &middot; Second'}} />
## 自定义 HTML 属性
如果往原生 HTML 元素里传入 HTML 规范里不存在的属性,React 不会显示它们。如果需要使用自定义属性,要加 `data-` 前缀。
<div data-custom-attribute="foo" />
然而,在自定义元素中任意的属性都是被支持的 (那些在tag名里带有连接符或者 `is="..."` 属性的)
<x-my-component custom-attribute="foo" />
`aria-` 开头的 [网络无障碍]( 属性可以正常使用。
<div aria-hidden={true} />