/ * *
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* @ emails react - core
* /
'use strict' ;
module . exports = {
siteMetadata : {
title : 'React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces' ,
siteUrl : 'https://reactjs.org' ,
rssFeedTitle : 'React' ,
rssFeedDescription : 'A JavaScript library for building user interfaces' ,
} ,
mapping : {
'MarkdownRemark.frontmatter.author' : 'AuthorYaml' ,
} ,
plugins : [
'gatsby-source-react-error-codes' ,
'gatsby-transformer-authors-yaml' ,
'gatsby-transformer-home-example-code' ,
'gatsby-transformer-versions-yaml' ,
'gatsby-plugin-netlify' ,
'gatsby-plugin-glamor' ,
'gatsby-plugin-twitter' ,
resolve : 'gatsby-plugin-nprogress' ,
options : {
color : '#61dafb' ,
} ,
} ,
resolve : 'gatsby-source-filesystem' ,
options : {
name : 'pages' ,
path : ` ${ __ dirname } /src/pages ` ,
} ,
} ,
resolve : 'gatsby-source-filesystem' ,
options : {
name : 'content' ,
path : ` ${ __ dirname } /content/ ` ,
} ,
} ,
resolve : 'gatsby-transformer-remark' ,
options : {
plugins : [
'gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe' ,
resolve : 'gatsby-remark-images' ,
options : {
maxWidth : 840 ,
} ,
} ,
'gatsby-remark-external-links' ,
'gatsby-remark-header-custom-ids' ,
resolve : 'gatsby-remark-code-repls' ,
options : {
defaultText : '<b>Try it on CodePen</b>' ,
directory : ` ${ __ dirname } /examples/ ` ,
externals : [
` //unpkg.com/react/umd/react.development.js ` ,
` //unpkg.com/react-dom/umd/react-dom.development.js ` ,
] ,
dependencies : [ ` react ` , ` react-dom ` ] ,
redirectTemplate : ` ${ __ dirname } /src/templates/codepen-example.js ` ,
target : '_blank' ,
} ,
} ,
resolve : 'gatsby-remark-embed-snippet' ,
options : {
classPrefix : 'gatsby-code-' ,
directory : ` ${ __ dirname } /examples/ ` ,
} ,
} ,
'gatsby-remark-use-jsx' ,
resolve : 'gatsby-remark-prismjs' ,
options : {
classPrefix : 'gatsby-code-' ,
} ,
} ,
'gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files' ,
'gatsby-remark-smartypants' ,
] ,
} ,
} ,
'gatsby-transformer-sharp' ,
'gatsby-plugin-sharp' ,
resolve : 'gatsby-plugin-google-analytics' ,
options : {
trackingId : 'UA-41298772-1' ,
} ,
} ,
resolve : 'gatsby-plugin-feed' ,
options : {
query : `
site {
siteMetadata {
title : rssFeedTitle
description : rssFeedDescription
site_url : siteUrl
} ` ,
feeds : [
serialize : ( { query : { site , allMarkdownRemark } } ) => {
return allMarkdownRemark . edges . map ( edge => {
return Object . assign (
{ } ,
title : edge . node . frontmatter . title ,
description : edge . node . html ,
date : require ( 'moment' ) ( edge . node . fields . date ) . format (
'MMMM DD, YYYY, h:mm A' ,
) ,
url : site . siteMetadata . siteUrl + edge . node . fields . slug ,
guid : site . siteMetadata . siteUrl + edge . node . fields . slug ,
} ,
) ;
} ) ;
} ,
query : `
( limit : 10 ,
filter : { fileAbsolutePath : { regex : "/blog/" } } ,
sort : { fields : [ fields___date ] ,
order : DESC } ) {
edges {
node {
fields {
frontmatter {
` ,
output : '/feed.xml' ,
} ,
] ,
} ,
} ,
'gatsby-plugin-react-helmet' ,
'gatsby-plugin-catch-links' ,
resolve : ` gatsby-plugin-manifest ` ,
options : {
name : 'React Docs' ,
short_name : 'React' , // eg. React [%LANG_CODE%]
// Translators: please change this and two above options (see https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-plugin-manifest/#feature-configuration---optional)
lang : 'en' ,
start_url : '/' ,
background_color : '#20232a' ,
theme_color : '#20232a' ,
display : 'standalone' ,
icon : 'static/logo-512x512.png' ,
legacy : true ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
} ;