id: conferences
title: Conferences
layout: community
sectionid: community
permalink: community/conferences.html
- "docs/conferences.html"
Do you know of a local React.js conference? Add it here! (Please keep the list chronological)
## Upcoming Conferences {#upcoming-conferences}
### render(ATL) 2021 {#render-atlanta-2021}
September 13-15, 2021. Atlanta, GA, USA
[Website](https://renderatl.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/renderATL) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/renderatl/) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/renderatl/) - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/renderatl)
### React Conference Live 2021 {#react-conference-live-2021}
October 7-8, 2021. In-person in Amsterdam, Netherlands + remote (hybrid event)
[Website](https://www.reactlive.nl/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactlivenl) - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/frontendlove/)
### React Advanced 2021 {#react-advanced-2021}
October 22-23, 2021. In-person in London, UK + remote (hybrid event)
[Website](https://reactadvanced.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactadvanced) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ReactAdvanced) - [Videos](https://youtube.com/c/ReactConferences)
### React India 2021 {#react-india-2021}
November 12-13, 2021 in Mumbai, India
[Website](https://www.reactindia.io) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/react_india) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ReactJSIndia/) - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/14545585) - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaFbHCBkPvVv1bWs_jwYt3w/videos)
## Past Conferences {#past-conferences}
### React Case Study Festival 2021 {#react-case-study-festival-2021}
April 27-28, 2021 - remote event
[Website](https://link.geekle.us/react/offsite) - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/events/reactcasestudyfestival6721300943411015680/) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/events/255715435820203)
### React Summit - Remote Edition 2021 {#react-summit-remote-2021}
April 14-16, 2021, 7am PST / 10am EST / 4pm CEST - remote event
Update conferences list based on 2020 COVID cancellations (#3144)
Disclaimer: I'm an organiser of React Summit, React Advanced London and React Day Berlin - changes proposed in this PR is a small effort to actualise the list of events next to updating our own event dates
Next to updating own conference dates, I've made following changes:
* Removed 2020 events that, based on the current information from their websites, are cancelled or postponed without a new date
* Moved 2020 events that have actually ran to the "past events" section
* Updated dates of some events in 2020 that have not announced their cancellation, but moved dates within this year
What I didn't do:
* I haven't added 2020 cancelled events with their assumed 2021 dates, as it's up to organizers to confirm those and re-add
* To stay consistent with point above - I'm also not adding our (GitNation - React Summit, React Advanced) cancelled event dates that moved to 2021
* Conferences that have a past dates, but has not clear statement on the website about cancellation have not been removed, but rather moved to "past events" section
The information is relevant as of today's date - during these hard times plans do change frequently, so some information may be outdated by the time this PR is merged. I'll be happy to provide amends until it's merged.
5 years ago
[Website](https://remote.reactsummit.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactsummit) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactamsterdam) - [Videos](https://youtube.com/c/ReactConferences)
### React fwdays’21 {#react-fwdays-2021}
March 27, 2021 - remote event
[Website](https://fwdays.com/en/event/react-fwdays-2021) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/fwdays) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/events/1133828147054286) - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/events/reactfwdays-21onlineconference6758046347334582273) - [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/ru-RU/Fwdays/events/275764431/)
### React Next 2020 {#react-next-2020}
December 1-2, 2020 - remote event
[Website](https://react-next.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactnext) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ReactNext2016/)
### React Conf Brasil 2020 {#react-conf-brasil-2020}
November 21, 2020 - remote event
[Website](https://reactconf.com.br/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactconfbr) - [Slack](https://react.now.sh/)
### React Summit 2020 {#react-summit-2020}
October 15-16, 2020, 7am PST / 10am EST / 4pm CEST - remote event
[Website](https://reactsummit.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactsummit) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactamsterdam) - [Videos](https://youtube.com/c/ReactConferences)
### React Native EU 2020 {#react-native-eu-2020}
September 3-4, 2020 - remote event
[Website](https://www.react-native.eu/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/react_native_eu) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactnativeeu/) - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0GfmlGFh3E&list=PLZ3MwD-soTTHy9_88QPLF8DEJkvoB5Tl-) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reactnative_eu/)
### ReactEurope 2020 {#reacteurope-2020}
May 14-15, 2020 in Paris, France
[Website](https://www.react-europe.org) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactEurope) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ReactEurope) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/ReacteuropeOrgConf)
### Byteconf React 2020 {#byteconf-react-2020}
May 1, 2020. Streamed online on YouTube.
[Website](https://www.bytesized.xyz) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/bytesizedcode) - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC046lFvJZhiwSRWsoH8SFjg)
### React Summit - Remote Edition 2020 {#react-summit-remote-2020}
3pm CEST time, April 17, 2020 - remote event
[Website](https://remote.reactsummit.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactsummit) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactamsterdam) - [Videos](https://youtube.com/c/ReactConferences)
### Reactathon 2020 {#reactathon-2020}
March 30 - 31, 2020 in San Francisco, CA
[Website](https://www.reactathon.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactathon) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/events/575942819854160/)
### ReactConf AU 2020 {#reactconfau}
February 27 & 28, 2020 in Sydney, Australia
[Website](https://reactconfau.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactconfau) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactconfau) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reactconfau/)
### React Barcamp Cologne 2020 {#react-barcamp-cologne-2020}
February 1-2, 2020 in Cologne, Germany
[Website](https://react-barcamp.de/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactBarcamp) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactbarcamp)
### React Day Berlin 2019 {#react-day-berlin-2019}
December 6, 2019 in Berlin, Germany
[Website](https://reactday.berlin) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactdayberlin) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactdayberlin/) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/reactdayberlin)
### React Summit 2019 {#reactsummit2019}
November 30, 2019 in Lagos, Nigeria
[Website](https://reactsummit2019.splashthat.com) -[Twitter](https://twitter.com/react_summit)
### React Conf Brasil 2019 {#react-conf-2019}
October 19, 2019 in São Paulo, BR
[Website](https://reactconf.com.br/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactconfbr) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ReactAdvanced) - [Slack](https://react.now.sh/)
### React Advanced 2019 {#react-advanced-2019}
October 25, 2019 in London, UK
[Website](https://reactadvanced.com) - [Twitter](http://twitter.com/reactadvanced) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ReactAdvanced) - [Videos](https://youtube.com/c/ReactConferences)
### React Conf 2019 {#react-conf-2019}
October 24-25, 2019 in Henderson, Nevada USA
[Website](https://conf.reactjs.org/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactjs)
### React Alicante 2019 {#react-alicante-2019}
September 26-28, 2019 in Alicante, Spain
[Website](http://reactalicante.es/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactalicante) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ReactAlicante)
### React India 2019 {#react-india-2019}
September 26-28, 2019 in Goa, India
[Website](https://www.reactindia.io/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/react_india) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ReactJSIndia)
### React Boston 2019 {#react-boston-2019}
September 21-22, 2019 in Boston, Massachusetts USA
[Website](https://www.reactboston.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactboston)
### React Live 2019 {#react-live-2019}
September 13th, 2019. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[Website](https://www.reactlive.nl/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactlivenl)
### React New York 2019 {#react-new-york-2019}
September 13th, 2019. New York, USA
[Website](https://reactnewyork.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactnewyork)
### ComponentsConf 2019 {#componentsconf-2019}
September 6, 2019 in Melbourne, Australia
[Website](https://www.componentsconf.com.au/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/componentsconf)
### React Native EU 2019 {#react-native-eu-2019}
September 5-6 in Wrocław, Poland
[Website](https://react-native.eu) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/react_native_eu) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactnativeeu)
### React Conf Iran 2019 {#react-conf-iran-2019}
August 29, 2019. Tehran, Iran.
[Website](https://reactconf.ir/) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-VNqZFI5Nf-Nsj0rD3CWXGPkH-DI_0VY) - [Highlights](https://github.com/ReactConf/react-conf-highlights)
### React Rally 2019 {#react-rally-2019}
August 22-23, 2019. Salt Lake City, USA.
[Website](https://www.reactrally.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactRally) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reactrally/)
### Chain React 2019 {#chain-react-2019}
July 11-12, 2019. Portland, OR, USA.
### React Loop 2019 {#react-loop-2019}
June 21, 2019 Chicago, Illinois USA
[Website](https://reactloop.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactLoop)
### React Norway 2019 {#react-norway-2019}
June 12, 2019. Larvik, Norway
[Website](https://reactnorway.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactNorway)
### ReactNext 2019 {#react-next-2019}
June 11, 2019. Tel Aviv, Israel
[Website](https://react-next.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactNext) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3BT8hh3yTTYxbLQy_wbk2w)
### React Conf Armenia 2019 {#react-conf-am-19}
May 25, 2019 in Yerevan, Armenia
[Website](https://reactconf.am/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactConfAM) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactconf.am/) - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/JavaScriptConferenceArmenia) - [CFP](http://bit.ly/speakReact)
### ReactEurope 2019 {#reacteurope-2019}
May 23-24, 2019 in Paris, France
[Website](https://www.react-europe.org) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactEurope) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ReactEurope) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/ReacteuropeOrgConf)
### <React.NotAConf /> 2019 {#reactnotaconf--2019}
May 11 in Sofia, Bulgaria
[Website](http://react-not-a-conf.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactnotaconf) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/events/780891358936156)
### ReactJS Girls Conference {#reactjs-girls-conference}
May 3, 2019 in London, UK
[Website](https://reactjsgirls.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactjsgirls)
### React Finland 2019 {#react-finland-2019}
April 24-26 in Helsinki, Finland
[Website](https://react-finland.fi/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactFinland)
### React Amsterdam 2019 {#react-amsterdam-2019}
April 12, 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[Website](https://reactsummit.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactsummit) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactamsterdam) - [Videos](https://youtube.com/c/ReactConferences)
### App.js Conf 2019 {#appjs-conf-2019}
April 4-5, 2019 in Kraków, Poland
[Website](https://appjs.co) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/appjsconf)
### Reactathon 2019 {#reactathon-2019}
March 30-31, 2019 in San Francisco, USA
[Website](https://www.reactathon.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactathon)
### React Iran 2019 {#react-iran-2019}
January 31, 2019 in Tehran, Iran
[Website](http://reactiran.com) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reactiran/)
### React Day Berlin 2018 {#react-day-berlin-2018}
November 30, Berlin, Germany
[Website](https://reactday.berlin) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactdayberlin) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactdayberlin/) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EYHmQYBUJjkmL6OtK4rlw)
### ReactNext 2018 {#reactnext-2018}
November 4 in Tel Aviv, Israel
[Website](https://react-next.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactNext) - [Facebook](https://facebook.com/ReactNext2016)
### React Conf 2018 {#react-conf-2018}
October 25-26 in Henderson, Nevada USA
### React Conf Brasil 2018 {#react-conf-brasil-2018}
October 20 in Sao Paulo, Brazil
[Website](http://reactconfbr.com.br) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactconfbr) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactconf)
### ReactJS Day 2018 {#reactjs-day-2018}
October 5 in Verona, Italy
[Website](http://2018.reactjsday.it) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactjsday)
### React Boston 2018 {#react-boston-2018}
September 29-30 in Boston, Massachusetts USA
[Website](http://www.reactboston.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactBoston)
### React Alicante 2018 {#react-alicante-2018}
September 13-15 in Alicante, Spain
[Website](http://reactalicante.es) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactAlicante)
### React Native EU 2018 {#react-native-eu-2018}
September 5-6 in Wrocław, Poland
[Website](https://react-native.eu) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/react_native_eu) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactnativeeu)
### Byteconf React 2018 {#byteconf-react-2018}
August 31 streamed online, via Twitch
[Website](https://byteconf.com) - [Twitch](https://twitch.tv/byteconf) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/byteconf)
### ReactFoo Delhi {#reactfoo-delhi}
August 18 in Delhi, India
[Website](https://reactfoo.in/2018-delhi/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactfoo) - [Past talks](https://hasgeek.tv)
### React DEV Conf China {#react-dev-conf-china}
August 18 in Guangzhou, China
### React Rally {#react-rally}
August 16-17 in Salt Lake City, Utah USA
[Website](http://www.reactrally.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactrally)
### Chain React 2018 {#chain-react-2018}
July 11-13 in Portland, Oregon USA
[Website](https://infinite.red/ChainReactConf) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/chainreactconf)
### ReactFoo Mumbai {#reactfoo-mumbai}
May 26 in Mumbai, India
[Website](https://reactfoo.in/2018-mumbai/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactfoo) - [Past talks](https://hasgeek.tv)
### ReactEurope 2018 {#reacteurope-2018}
May 17-18 in Paris, France
[Website](https://www.react-europe.org) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactEurope) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ReactEurope)
### <React.NotAConf /> 2018 {#reactnotaconf--2018}
April 28 in Sofia, Bulgaria
[Website](http://react-not-a-conf.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactnotaconf) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1614950305478021/)
### React Finland 2018 {#react-finland-2018}
April 24-26 in Helsinki, Finland
[Website](https://react-finland.fi/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactFinland)
### React Amsterdam 2018 {#react-amsterdam-2018}
April 13 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[Website](https://reactsummit.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactsummit) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactamsterdam)
### React Native Camp UA 2018 {#react-native-camp-ua-2018}
March 31 in Kiev, Ukraine
[Website](http://reactnative.com.ua/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactnativecamp) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactnativecamp/)
### Reactathon 2018 {#reactathon-2018}
March 20-22 in San Francisco, USA
[Website](https://www.reactathon.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactathon) - [Videos (fundamentals)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knn364bssQU&list=PLRvKvw42Rc7OWK5s-YGGFSmByDzzgC0HP), [Videos (advanced day1)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57hmk4GvJpk&list=PLRvKvw42Rc7N0QpX2Rc5CdrqGuxzwD_0H), [Videos (advanced day2)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hvQ8p8q0a0&list=PLRvKvw42Rc7Ne46QAjWNWFo1Jf0mQdnIW)
### ReactFest 2018 {#reactfest-2018}
March 8-9 in London, UK
[Website](https://reactfest.uk/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactFest) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOCrJ5vRCnw&list=PLRgweB8YtNRt-Sf-A0y446wTJNUaAAmle)
### AgentConf 2018 {#agentconf-2018}
January 25-28 in Dornbirn, Austria
### ReactFoo Pune {#reactfoo-pune}
January 19-20, Pune, India
[Website](https://reactfoo.in/2018-pune/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactFoo)
### React Day Berlin 2017 {#react-day-berlin-2017}
December 2, Berlin, Germany
[Website](https://reactday.berlin) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactdayberlin) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactdayberlin/) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnNLJvHKfSY&list=PL-3BrJ5CiIx5GoXci54-VsrO6GwLhSHEK)
### React Seoul 2017 {#react-seoul-2017}
November 4 in Seoul, South Korea
### ReactiveConf 2017 {#reactiveconf-2017}
October 25–27, Bratislava, Slovakia
[Website](https://reactiveconf.com) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOKxSFB2hOE&list=PLa2ZZ09WYepMB-I7AiDjDYR8TjO8uoNjs)
### React Summit 2017 {#react-summit-2017}
October 21 in Lagos, Nigeria
[Website](https://reactsummit2017.splashthat.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/DevCircleLagos/) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/DevCLagos/)
### State.js Conference 2017 {#statejs-conference-2017}
October 13 in Stockholm, Sweden
### React Conf Brasil 2017 {#react-conf-brasil-2017}
October 7 in Sao Paulo, Brazil
[Website](http://reactconfbr.com.br) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactconfbr) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactconf/)
### ReactJS Day 2017 {#reactjs-day-2017}
October 6 in Verona, Italy
[Website](http://2017.reactjsday.it) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactjsday) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUqqJPIgjNU&list=PLWK9j6ps_unl293VhhN4RYMCISxye3xH9)
### React Alicante 2017 {#react-alicante-2017}
September 28-30 in Alicante, Spain
[Website](http://reactalicante.es) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactAlicante) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMZvRCWo6Dw&list=PLd7nkr8mN0sWvBH_s0foCE6eZTX8BmLUM)
### React Boston 2017 {#react-boston-2017}
September 23-24 in Boston, Massachusetts USA
[Website](http://www.reactboston.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactBoston) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iPE5l3cl_s&list=PL-fCkV3wv4ub8zJMIhmrrLcQqSR5XPlIT)
### ReactFoo 2017 {#reactfoo-2017}
September 14 in Bangalore, India
[Website](https://reactfoo.in/2017/) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3G6tMg29Wnw&list=PL279M8GbNsespKKm1L0NAzYLO6gU5LvfH)
### ReactNext 2017 {#reactnext-2017}
September 8-10 in Tel Aviv, Israel
[Website](http://react-next.com/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReactNext) - [Videos (Hall A)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKXQw5kR86c&list=PLMYVq3z1QxSqq6D7jxVdqttOX7H_Brq8Z), [Videos (Hall B)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1InokWxYGnE&list=PLMYVq3z1QxSqCZmaqgTXLsrcJ8mZmBF7T)
### React Native EU 2017 {#react-native-eu-2017}
September 6-7 in Wroclaw, Poland
[Website](http://react-native.eu/) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=453oKJAqfy0&list=PLzUKC1ci01h_hkn7_KoFA-Au0DXLAQZR7)
### React Rally 2017 {#react-rally-2017}
August 24-25 in Salt Lake City, Utah USA
[Website](http://www.reactrally.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactrally) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4KnHNCZcH4&list=PLUD4kD-wL_zZUhvAIHJjueJDPr6qHvkni)
### Chain React 2017 {#chain-react-2017}
July 10-11 in Portland, Oregon USA
[Website](https://infinite.red/ChainReactConf) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/chainreactconf) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz5BzwgATpc&list=PLFHvL21g9bk3RxJ1Ut5nR_uTZFVOxu522)
### ReactEurope 2017 {#reacteurope-2017}
May 18th & 19th in Paris, France
[Website](http://www.react-europe.org/) - [Schedule](http://www.react-europe.org/#schedule) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCorlLn2oZfgOJ-FUcF2eZ1A/playlists)
### React Amsterdam 2017 {#react-amsterdam-2017}
April 21st in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[Website](https://reactsummit.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactsummit) - [Videos](https://youtube.com/c/ReactConferences)
### React London 2017 {#react-london-2017}
March 28th at the [QEII Centre, London](http://qeiicentre.london/)
[Website](http://react.london/) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2j9rSur_mnk&list=PLW6ORi0XZU0CFjdoYeC0f5QReBG-NeNKJ)
### React Conf 2017 {#react-conf-2017}
March 13-14 in Santa Clara, CA
[Website](http://conf.reactjs.org/) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HSd1sk07uU&list=PLb0IAmt7-GS3fZ46IGFirdqKTIxlws7e0)
### Agent Conference 2017 {#agent-conference-2017}
January 20-21 in Dornbirn, Austria
### React Remote Conf 2016 {#react-remote-conf-2016}
October 26-28 online
[Website](https://allremoteconfs.com/react-2016) - [Schedule](https://allremoteconfs.com/react-2016#schedule)
### Reactive 2016 {#reactive-2016}
October 26-28 in Bratislava, Slovakia
### ReactNL 2016 {#reactnl-2016}
October 13 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[Website](http://reactnl.org/) - [Schedule](http://reactnl.org/#program)
### ReactNext 2016 {#reactnext-2016}
September 15 in Tel Aviv, Israel
[Website](http://react-next.com/) - [Schedule](http://react-next.com/#schedule) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3BT8hh3yTTYxbLQy_wbk2w)
### ReactRally 2016 {#reactrally-2016}
August 25-26 in Salt Lake City, UT
[Website](http://www.reactrally.com/) - [Schedule](http://www.reactrally.com/#/schedule) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUD4kD-wL_zYSfU3tIYsb4WqfFQzO_EjQ)
### ReactEurope 2016 {#reacteurope-2016}
June 2 & 3 in Paris, France
Update conferences list based on 2020 COVID cancellations (#3144)
Disclaimer: I'm an organiser of React Summit, React Advanced London and React Day Berlin - changes proposed in this PR is a small effort to actualise the list of events next to updating our own event dates
Next to updating own conference dates, I've made following changes:
* Removed 2020 events that, based on the current information from their websites, are cancelled or postponed without a new date
* Moved 2020 events that have actually ran to the "past events" section
* Updated dates of some events in 2020 that have not announced their cancellation, but moved dates within this year
What I didn't do:
* I haven't added 2020 cancelled events with their assumed 2021 dates, as it's up to organizers to confirm those and re-add
* To stay consistent with point above - I'm also not adding our (GitNation - React Summit, React Advanced) cancelled event dates that moved to 2021
* Conferences that have a past dates, but has not clear statement on the website about cancellation have not been removed, but rather moved to "past events" section
The information is relevant as of today's date - during these hard times plans do change frequently, so some information may be outdated by the time this PR is merged. I'll be happy to provide amends until it's merged.
5 years ago
[Website](http://www.react-europe.org/) - [Schedule](http://www.react-europe.org/#schedule) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCorlLn2oZfgOJ-FUcF2eZ1A/playlists)
Update conferences list based on 2020 COVID cancellations (#3144)
Disclaimer: I'm an organiser of React Summit, React Advanced London and React Day Berlin - changes proposed in this PR is a small effort to actualise the list of events next to updating our own event dates
Next to updating own conference dates, I've made following changes:
* Removed 2020 events that, based on the current information from their websites, are cancelled or postponed without a new date
* Moved 2020 events that have actually ran to the "past events" section
* Updated dates of some events in 2020 that have not announced their cancellation, but moved dates within this year
What I didn't do:
* I haven't added 2020 cancelled events with their assumed 2021 dates, as it's up to organizers to confirm those and re-add
* To stay consistent with point above - I'm also not adding our (GitNation - React Summit, React Advanced) cancelled event dates that moved to 2021
* Conferences that have a past dates, but has not clear statement on the website about cancellation have not been removed, but rather moved to "past events" section
The information is relevant as of today's date - during these hard times plans do change frequently, so some information may be outdated by the time this PR is merged. I'll be happy to provide amends until it's merged.
5 years ago
### React Amsterdam 2016 {#react-amsterdam-2016}
April 16 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Update conferences list based on 2020 COVID cancellations (#3144)
Disclaimer: I'm an organiser of React Summit, React Advanced London and React Day Berlin - changes proposed in this PR is a small effort to actualise the list of events next to updating our own event dates
Next to updating own conference dates, I've made following changes:
* Removed 2020 events that, based on the current information from their websites, are cancelled or postponed without a new date
* Moved 2020 events that have actually ran to the "past events" section
* Updated dates of some events in 2020 that have not announced their cancellation, but moved dates within this year
What I didn't do:
* I haven't added 2020 cancelled events with their assumed 2021 dates, as it's up to organizers to confirm those and re-add
* To stay consistent with point above - I'm also not adding our (GitNation - React Summit, React Advanced) cancelled event dates that moved to 2021
* Conferences that have a past dates, but has not clear statement on the website about cancellation have not been removed, but rather moved to "past events" section
The information is relevant as of today's date - during these hard times plans do change frequently, so some information may be outdated by the time this PR is merged. I'll be happy to provide amends until it's merged.
5 years ago
[Website](https://reactsummit.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactsummit) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/reactamsterdam) - [Videos](https://youtube.com/c/ReactConferences)
Update conferences list based on 2020 COVID cancellations (#3144)
Disclaimer: I'm an organiser of React Summit, React Advanced London and React Day Berlin - changes proposed in this PR is a small effort to actualise the list of events next to updating our own event dates
Next to updating own conference dates, I've made following changes:
* Removed 2020 events that, based on the current information from their websites, are cancelled or postponed without a new date
* Moved 2020 events that have actually ran to the "past events" section
* Updated dates of some events in 2020 that have not announced their cancellation, but moved dates within this year
What I didn't do:
* I haven't added 2020 cancelled events with their assumed 2021 dates, as it's up to organizers to confirm those and re-add
* To stay consistent with point above - I'm also not adding our (GitNation - React Summit, React Advanced) cancelled event dates that moved to 2021
* Conferences that have a past dates, but has not clear statement on the website about cancellation have not been removed, but rather moved to "past events" section
The information is relevant as of today's date - during these hard times plans do change frequently, so some information may be outdated by the time this PR is merged. I'll be happy to provide amends until it's merged.
5 years ago
### React.js Conf 2016 {#reactjs-conf-2016}
February 22 & 23 in San Francisco, CA
Update conferences list based on 2020 COVID cancellations (#3144)
Disclaimer: I'm an organiser of React Summit, React Advanced London and React Day Berlin - changes proposed in this PR is a small effort to actualise the list of events next to updating our own event dates
Next to updating own conference dates, I've made following changes:
* Removed 2020 events that, based on the current information from their websites, are cancelled or postponed without a new date
* Moved 2020 events that have actually ran to the "past events" section
* Updated dates of some events in 2020 that have not announced their cancellation, but moved dates within this year
What I didn't do:
* I haven't added 2020 cancelled events with their assumed 2021 dates, as it's up to organizers to confirm those and re-add
* To stay consistent with point above - I'm also not adding our (GitNation - React Summit, React Advanced) cancelled event dates that moved to 2021
* Conferences that have a past dates, but has not clear statement on the website about cancellation have not been removed, but rather moved to "past events" section
The information is relevant as of today's date - during these hard times plans do change frequently, so some information may be outdated by the time this PR is merged. I'll be happy to provide amends until it's merged.
5 years ago
[Website](http://conf2016.reactjs.org/) - [Schedule](http://conf2016.reactjs.org/schedule.html) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb0IAmt7-GS0M8Q95RIc2lOM6nc77q1IY)
Update conferences list based on 2020 COVID cancellations (#3144)
Disclaimer: I'm an organiser of React Summit, React Advanced London and React Day Berlin - changes proposed in this PR is a small effort to actualise the list of events next to updating our own event dates
Next to updating own conference dates, I've made following changes:
* Removed 2020 events that, based on the current information from their websites, are cancelled or postponed without a new date
* Moved 2020 events that have actually ran to the "past events" section
* Updated dates of some events in 2020 that have not announced their cancellation, but moved dates within this year
What I didn't do:
* I haven't added 2020 cancelled events with their assumed 2021 dates, as it's up to organizers to confirm those and re-add
* To stay consistent with point above - I'm also not adding our (GitNation - React Summit, React Advanced) cancelled event dates that moved to 2021
* Conferences that have a past dates, but has not clear statement on the website about cancellation have not been removed, but rather moved to "past events" section
The information is relevant as of today's date - during these hard times plans do change frequently, so some information may be outdated by the time this PR is merged. I'll be happy to provide amends until it's merged.
5 years ago
### Reactive 2015 {#reactive-2015}
November 2-4 in Bratislava, Slovakia
Update conferences list based on 2020 COVID cancellations (#3144)
Disclaimer: I'm an organiser of React Summit, React Advanced London and React Day Berlin - changes proposed in this PR is a small effort to actualise the list of events next to updating our own event dates
Next to updating own conference dates, I've made following changes:
* Removed 2020 events that, based on the current information from their websites, are cancelled or postponed without a new date
* Moved 2020 events that have actually ran to the "past events" section
* Updated dates of some events in 2020 that have not announced their cancellation, but moved dates within this year
What I didn't do:
* I haven't added 2020 cancelled events with their assumed 2021 dates, as it's up to organizers to confirm those and re-add
* To stay consistent with point above - I'm also not adding our (GitNation - React Summit, React Advanced) cancelled event dates that moved to 2021
* Conferences that have a past dates, but has not clear statement on the website about cancellation have not been removed, but rather moved to "past events" section
The information is relevant as of today's date - during these hard times plans do change frequently, so some information may be outdated by the time this PR is merged. I'll be happy to provide amends until it's merged.
5 years ago
[Website](https://reactive2015.com/) - [Schedule](https://reactive2015.com/schedule_speakers.html#schedule)
Update conferences list based on 2020 COVID cancellations (#3144)
Disclaimer: I'm an organiser of React Summit, React Advanced London and React Day Berlin - changes proposed in this PR is a small effort to actualise the list of events next to updating our own event dates
Next to updating own conference dates, I've made following changes:
* Removed 2020 events that, based on the current information from their websites, are cancelled or postponed without a new date
* Moved 2020 events that have actually ran to the "past events" section
* Updated dates of some events in 2020 that have not announced their cancellation, but moved dates within this year
What I didn't do:
* I haven't added 2020 cancelled events with their assumed 2021 dates, as it's up to organizers to confirm those and re-add
* To stay consistent with point above - I'm also not adding our (GitNation - React Summit, React Advanced) cancelled event dates that moved to 2021
* Conferences that have a past dates, but has not clear statement on the website about cancellation have not been removed, but rather moved to "past events" section
The information is relevant as of today's date - during these hard times plans do change frequently, so some information may be outdated by the time this PR is merged. I'll be happy to provide amends until it's merged.
5 years ago
### ReactEurope 2015 {#reacteurope-2015}
July 2 & 3 in Paris, France
[Website](http://www.react-europe.org/) - [Schedule](http://www.react-europe.org/#schedule) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCorlLn2oZfgOJ-FUcF2eZ1A/playlists)
### React.js Conf 2015 {#reactjs-conf-2015}
January 28 & 29 in Facebook HQ, CA
[Website](http://conf2015.reactjs.org/) - [Schedule](http://conf2015.reactjs.org/schedule.html) - [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb0IAmt7-GS1cbw4qonlQztYV1TAW0sCr)