React 16.5 adds support for a new DevTools profiler plugin.
This plugin uses React's [experimental Profiler API]( to collect timing information about each component that's rendered in order to identify performance bottlenecks in React applications.
It will be fully compatible with our upcoming [time slicing and suspense](/blog/2018/03/01/sneak-peek-beyond-react-16.html) features.
This blog post covers the following topics:
* [Profiling an application](#profiling-an-application)
* The **render** phase determines what changes need to be made to e.g. the DOM. During this phase, React calls `render` and then compares the result to the previous render.
* The **commit** phase is when React applies any changes. (In the case of React DOM, this is when React inserts, updates, and removes DOM nodes.) React also calls lifecycles like `componentDidMount` and `componentDidUpdate` during this phase.
The DevTools profiler groups performance info by commit.
Commits are displayed in a bar chart near the top of the profiler:
![Bar chart of profiled commits](../images/blog/introducing-the-react-profiler/commit-selector.png)
Each bar in the chart represents a single commit with the currently selected commit colored black.
You can click on a bar (or the left/right arrow buttons) to select a different commit.
The color and height of each bar corresponds to how long that commit took to render.
(Taller, yellow bars took longer than shorter, blue bars.)
Each bar in the chart represents a React component (e.g. `App`, `Nav`).
The size and color of the bar represents how long it took to render the component and its children.
(The width of a bar represents how much time was spent _when the component last rendered_ and the color represents how much time was spent _as part of the current commit_.)
> Yellow components took more time, blue components took less time, and gray components did not render at all during this commit.
For example, the commit shown above took a total of 18.4ms to render.
The `Router` component was the "most expensive" to render (taking 18.4ms).
Most of this time was due to two of its children, `Nav` (8.4ms) and `Route` (7.9ms).
The rest of the time was divided between its remaining children or spent in the component's own render method.
You can zoom in or out on a flame chart by clicking on components:
![Click on a component to zoom in or out](../images/blog/introducing-the-react-profiler/zoom-in-and-out.gif)
Clicking on a component will also select it and show information in the right side panel which includes its `props` and `state` at the time of this commit.
You can drill into these to learn more about what the component actually rendered during the commit:
![Viewing a component's props and state for a commit](../images/blog/introducing-the-react-profiler/props-and-state.gif)
![No profiling data has been recorded for the selected root](../images/blog/introducing-the-react-profiler/no-profiler-data-multi-root.png)
This message indicates that no performance data was recorded for the root that's selected in the "Elements" panel.
In this case, try selecting a different root in that panel to view profiling information for that root:
![Select a root in the "Elements" panel to view its performance data](../images/blog/introducing-the-react-profiler/select-a-root-to-view-profiling-data.gif)