You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
2.5 KiB

module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('../package.json')
* Write React component to js file
* @param {String} liveEditJS
* @param {String} componentName
function writeToLiveSampleJS(liveEditJS, componentName) {
grunt.file.write('js/cookbook/' + componentName + '.js', liveEditJS);
* Update HTML file to include an ID and script src link
function writeToHTML(markdown, componentName) {
grunt.file.write('_site/cookbook' + componentName + '.html', markdown);
function readFromCookbookEntry(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename) {
var markdown =,
codeSample = /```[\S]+\s*[\s\S]*?```/g,
// read markdown file for code sample
matchedJS = markdown.match(codeSample),
liveEditJS = '';
// File has no code sample
if (matchedJS === null) {
// Here we should iterate over matched code samples
for( var i = 0; i < matchedJS.length; i++) {
// Remove markdown syntax
matchedJS = matchedJS[i].slice(5, -3);
// remove file extension
componentName = filename.slice(0, -3) + i;
// Uppercase with underscores (FOO_COMPONENT)
componentNameUpperCase = componentName.toUpperCase().replace(/[\. ,:-]+/g, "_").slice(6);
// Camelcase (fooExample)
componentNameCamelCase = componentName.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase() }).slice(5);
// Add code sample to live edit
liveEditJS += '/**\n * @jsx React.DOM\n */\n\n var ' + componentNameUpperCase + '_COMPONENT = "' + matchedJS + '";\n React.renderComponent(\n ReactPlayground( {codeText:' + componentNameUpperCase + '_COMPONENT} ),\n document.getElementById("' + componentNameCamelCase + '")\n );'
writeToLiveSampleJS(liveEditJS, componentName);
// writeToHTML(markdown, componentName);
grunt.registerTask('makeLiveSamples', 'Create live edit JS file for code samples in React Cookbook entries', function() {
var rootdir = 'cookbook/';
// Recurse through cookbook directory
grunt.file.recurse(rootdir, readFromCookbookEntry);
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['makeLiveSamples']);