1.`git pull origin master` to ensure you have the latest main code
1.`git checkout -b the-name-of-my-branch` (replacing `the-name-of-my-branch` with a suitable name) to create a branch
### Make the change
1. Follow the "Running locally" instructions
1. Save the files and check in the browser
1. Changes to React components in `src` will hot-reload
1. Changes to markdown files in `content` will hot-reload
1. If working with plugins, you may need to remove the `.cache` directory and restart the server
### Test the change
1. If possible, test any visual changes in all latest versions of common browsers, on both desktop and mobile.
1. Run `yarn check-all` from the project root. (This will run Prettier, ESlint, and Flow.)
### Push it
1.`git add -A && git commit -m "My message"` (replacing `My message` with a commit message, such as `Fixed header logo on Android`) to stage and commit your changes
1. If possible include screenshots of visual changes. A Netlify build will also be automatically created once you make your PR so other people can see your change.