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id: addons
title: Add-ons
permalink: addons.html
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next: animation.html
`React.addons` is where we park some useful utilities for building React apps. **These should be considered experimental** but will eventually be rolled into core or a blessed utilities library:
- [`TransitionGroup` and `CSSTransitionGroup`](animation.html), for dealing with animations and transitions that are usually not simple to implement, such as before a component's removal.
- [`LinkedStateMixin`](two-way-binding-helpers.html), to simplify the coordination between user's form input data and the component's state.
- [`cloneWithProps`](clone-with-props.html), to make shallow copies of React components and change their props.
- [`createFragment`](create-fragment.html), to create a set of externally-keyed children.
- [`update`](update.html), a helper function that makes dealing with immutable data in JavaScript easier.
- [`PureRenderMixin`](pure-render-mixin.html), a performance booster under certain situations.
The add-ons below are in the development (unminified) version of React only:
- [`TestUtils`](test-utils.html), simple helpers for writing test cases (unminified build only).
- [`Perf`](perf.html), for measuring performance and giving you hint where to optimize.
To get the add-ons, use `react-with-addons.js` (and its minified counterpart) rather than the common `react.js`.
When using the react package from npm, simply `require('react/addons')` instead of `require('react')` to get React with all of the add-ons.