baseurl: /react
url: http://facebook.github.io
permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:day/:title.html
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock
- Rakefile
- fenced_code_blocks
pygments: true
name: React
markdown: redcarpet
react_version: 0.6.0-alpha
description: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
relative_permalinks: true
paginate: 5
paginate_path: /blog/page:num/
- title: Quick Start
- id: getting-started
title: Getting Started
- id: tutorial
title: Tutorial
- title: Guides
- id: why-react
title: Why React?
- id: displaying-data
title: Displaying Data
- id: jsx-in-depth
title: JSX in Depth
- id: jsx-gotchas
title: JSX Gotchas
- id: interactivity-and-dynamic-uis
title: Interactivity and Dynamic UIs
- id: multiple-components
title: Multiple Components
- id: reusable-components
title: Reusable Components
- id: forms
title: Forms
- id: working-with-the-browser
title: Working With the Browser
- id: more-about-refs
title: More About Refs
- id: tooling-integration
title: Tooling Integration
- id: addons
title: Add-Ons
- id: animation
title: Animation
- id: two-way-binding-helpers
title: Two-Way Binding Helpers
- id: class-name-manipulation
title: Class Name Manipulation
- id: examples
title: Examples
- title: Reference
- id: top-level-api
title: Top-Level API
- id: component-api
title: Component API
- id: component-specs
title: Component Specs and Lifecycle
- id: tags-and-attributes
title: Supported Tags and Attributes
- id: events
title: Event System
- id: dom-differences
title: DOM Differences
- title: Tips
- id: introduction
title: Introduction
- id: inline-styles
title: Inline Styles
- id: if-else-in-JSX
title: If-Else in JSX
- id: self-closing-tag
title: Self-Closing Tag
- id: maximum-number-of-jsx-root-nodes
title: Maximum Number of JSX Root Nodes
- id: style-props-value-px
title: Shorthand for Specifying Pixel Values in style props
- id: children-props-type
title: Type of the Children props
- id: controlled-input-null-value
title: Value of null for Controlled Input
- id: componentWillReceiveProps-not-triggered-after-mounting
title: componentWillReceiveProps Not Triggered After Mounting
- id: props-in-getInitialState-as-anti-pattern
title: Props in getInitialState Is an Anti-Pattern
- id: dom-event-listeners
title: DOM Event Listeners in a Component
- id: initial-ajax
title: Load Initial Data via AJAX
- id: false-in-jsx
title: False in JSX