* **[avers](https://github.com/wereHamster/avers):** A modern client-side model abstraction library.
* **[backbone-react-component](https://github.com/magalhas/backbone-react-component):** Use multiple Backbone models and collections with React components both on the client and server sides.
* **[Baobab](https://github.com/Yomguithereal/baobab):** Persistent data tree supporting cursors.
* **[cortex](https://github.com/mquan/cortex/):** A JavaScript library for centrally managing data with React.
* **[DeLorean](https://github.com/deloreanjs/delorean):** A completely agnostic JavaScript framework to apply Flux concepts into your interfaces easily.
* **[Elsa](https://github.com/JonAbrams/elsa):** A Babel plugin that makes your arrays and objects immutable by default… and gives them super powers!
* **[Immutable](https://github.com/facebook/immutable-js):** Immutable data structures designed to be more JavaScript-y than Mori.