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### Rethinking best practices - JSConf.eu
< iframe width = "650" height = "315" src = "//www.youtube.com/embed/x7cQ3mrcKaY" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen > < / iframe >
"At Facebook and Instagram, we’re trying to push the limits of what’s possible on the web with React. My talk will start with a brief introduction to the framework, and then dive into three controversial topics: Throwing out the notion of templates and building views with JavaScript, “re-rendering” your entire application when your data changes, and a lightweight implementation of the DOM and events." -- [Pete Hunt ](http://www.petehunt.net/ )
### Thinking in react - tagtree.tv
A [tagtree.tv ](http://tagtree.tv/ ) video conveying the principles of [Thinking in React ](/react/docs/thinking-in-react.html ) while building a simple app
< figure > [](http://tagtree.tv/thinking-in-react)< / figure >
### Secrets of the Virtual DOM - MtnWest JS
< iframe width = "560" height = "315" src = "//www.youtube.com/embed/h3KksH8gfcQ" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen > < / iframe >
"In this talk I’ll be discussing why we built a virtual DOM, how it compares to other systems, and its relevance to the future of browser technologies." -- [Pete Hunt ](http://www.petehunt.net/ )
### Going big with React ###
"On paper, all those JS frameworks look promising: clean implementations, quick code design, flawless execution. But what happens when you stress test Javascript? What happens when you throw 6 megabytes of code at it? In this talk, we'll investigate how React performs in a high stress situation, and how it has helped our team build safe code on a massive scale."
< figure > [](https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/5429-going-big-with-react#video)< / figure >
### CodeWinds
[Pete Hunt ](http://www.petehunt.net/ ) talked with [Jeff Barczewski ](http://jeff.barczewski.com/ ) about React in CodeWinds Episode 4.
< figure > [](http://codewinds.com/4)< / figure >
< table width = "100%" > < tr > < td >
02:08 - What is React and why use it?< br / >
03:08 - The symbiotic relationship of ClojureScript and React< br / >
04:54 - The history of React and why it was created< br / >
09:43 - Updating web page with React without using data binding< br / >
13:11 - Using the virtual DOM to change the browser DOM< br / >
13:57 - Programming with React, render targets HTML, canvas, other< br / >
16:45 - Working with designers. Contrasted with Ember and AngularJS< br / >
21:45 - JSX Compiler bridging HTML and React javascript< br / >
23:50 - Autobuilding JSX and in browser tools for React< br / >
24:50 - Tips and tricks to working with React, getting started< br / >
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27:17 - Rendering HTML on the server with Node.js. Rendering backends< br / >
29:20 - React evolved through survival of the fittest at Facebook< br / >
30:15 - Ideas for having state on server and client, using web sockets.< br / >
32:05 - React-multiuser - distributed shared mutable state using Firebase< br / >
33:03 - Better debugging with React using the state transitions, replaying events< br / >
34:08 - Differences from Web Components< br / >
34:25 - Notable companies using React< br / >
35:16 - Could a React backend plugin be created to target PDF?< br / >
36:30 - Future of React, what's next?< br / >
39:38 - Contributing and getting help< br / >
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[Read the episode notes ](http://codewinds.com/4 )
### JavaScript Jabber
[Pete Hunt ](http://www.petehunt.net/ ) and [Jordan Walke ](https://github.com/jordwalke ) talked about React in JavaScript Jabber 73.
< figure > [](http://javascriptjabber.com/073-jsj-react-with-pete-hunt-and-jordan-walke/#content)< / figure >
< table width = "100%" > < tr > < td >
01:34 – Pete Hunt Introduction< br / >
02:45 – Jordan Walke Introduction< br / >
04:15 – React< br / >
06:38 – 60 Frames Per Second< br / >
09:34 – Data Binding< br / >
12:31 – Performance< br / >
17:39 – Diffing Algorithm< br / >
19:36 – DOM Manipulation
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23:06 – Supporting node.js< br / >
24:03 – rendr< br / >
26:02 – JSX< br / >
30:31 – requestAnimationFrame< br / >
34:15 – React and Applications< br / >
38:12 – React Users Khan Academy< br / >
39:53 – Making it work
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[Read the full transcript ](http://javascriptjabber.com/073-jsj-react-with-pete-hunt-and-jordan-walke/ )
### Introduction to React.js - Facebook Seattle
< iframe width = "650" height = "315" src = "//www.youtube.com/embed/XxVg_s8xAms" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen > < / iframe >
By [Tom Occhino ](http://tomocchino.com/ ) and [Jordan Walke ](https://github.com/jordwalke )
### Developing User Interfaces With React - Super VanJS
< iframe width = "650" height = "315" src = "//www.youtube.com/embed/1OeXsL5mr4g" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen > < / iframe >
By [Steven Luscher ](https://github.com/steveluscher )
### Introduction to React - LAWebSpeed meetup
< iframe width = "650" height = "315" src = "//www.youtube.com/embed/SMMRJif5QW0" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen > < / iframe >
by [Stoyan Stefanov ](http://www.phpied.com/ )
### React, or how to make life simpler - FrontEnd Dev Conf '14
< iframe width = "560" height = "315" src = "//www.youtube.com/embed/YJNUK0EA_Jo" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen > < / iframe >
**In Russian** by [Alexander Solovyov ](http://solovyov.net/ )
### "Functional DOM programming" - Meteor DevShop 11
< iframe width = "650" height = "315" src = "//www.youtube.com/embed/qqVbr_LaCIo" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen > < / iframe >
### "Rethinking Web App Development at Facebook" - Facebook F8 Conference 2014
< iframe width = "650" height = "315" src = "//www.youtube.com/embed/nYkdrAPrdcw" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen > < / iframe >