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id: forwarding-refs
title: Forwarding Refs
permalink: docs/forwarding-refs.html
Ref forwarding is a technique for passing a [ref](/docs/refs-and-the-dom.html) through a component to one of its descendants. This technique can be particularly useful with [higher-order components](/docs/higher-order-components.html) (also known as HOCs).
Let's start with an example HOC that logs component props to the console:
The "logProps" HOC passes all `props` through to the component it wraps, so the rendered output will be the same. For example, we can use this HOC to log all props that get passed to our "fancy button" component:
There is one caveat to the above example: refs will not get passed through. That's because `ref` is not a prop. Like `key`, it's handled differently by React. If you add a ref to a HOC, the ref will refer to the outermost container component, not the wrapped component.
This means that refs intended for our `FancyButton` component will actually be attached to the `LogProps` component:
Fortunately, we can explicitly forward refs to the inner `FancyButton` component using the `React.forwardRef` API. `React.forwardRef` accepts a render function that receives `props` and `ref` parameters and returns a React node. For example:
## Displaying a custom name in DevTools
`React.forwardRef` accepts a render function. React DevTools uses this function to determine what to display for the ref forwarding component.
For example, the following component will appear as "*ForwardRef*" in the DevTools:
If you name the render function, DevTools will include its name (e.g. "*ForwardRef(myFunction)*"):
You can even set the function's `displayName` property to include the component you're wrapping: