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Dan Abramov 7 years ago
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title: "Behind the Scenes: Improving the Repository Infrastructure"
author: [gaearon]
As we worked on [React 16](/blog/2017/09/26/react-v16.0.html), we revamped the folder structure and much of the build tooling in the React repository. Among other things, we introduced projects such as [Rollup](, [Prettier](, and [Google Closure Compiler]( into our workflow. People often ask us questions about how we use those tools. In this post, we would like to share some of the changes that we've made to our build and test infrastructure in 2017, and what motivated them.
While these changes helped us make React better, they don't affect most React users directly. However, we hope that blogging about them might help other library authors solve similar problems. Our contributors might also find these notes helpful!
## Formatting Code with Prettier
React was one of the first large repositories to [fully embrace]( opinionated automatic code formatting with [Prettier]( Our current Prettier setup consists of:
* A local [`yarn prettier`]( script that [uses the Prettier Node API]( to format files in place. We typically run it before committing changes. It is fast because it only checks the [files changed since diverging from remote master](
* A script that [runs Prettier]( as part of our [continuous integration checks]( It won't attempt to overwrite the files, but instead will fail the build if any file differs from the Prettier output for that file. This ensures that we can't merge a pull request unless it has been fully formatted.
Some team members have also set up the [editor integrations]( Our experience with Prettier has been fantastic, and we recommend it to any team that writes JavaScript.
## Restructuring the Monorepo
Ever since React was split into packages, it has been a [monorepo]( a set of packages under the umbrella of a single repository. This made it easier to coordinate changes and share the tooling, but our folder structure was deeply nested and difficult to understand. It was not clear which files belonged to which package. After releasing React 16, we've decided to completely reorganize the repository structure. Here is how we did it.
### Migrating to Yarn Workspaces
The Yarn package manager [introduced a feature called Workspaces]( a few months ago. This feature lets you tell Yarn where your monorepo's packages are located in the source tree. Every time you run `yarn`, in addition to installing your dependencies it also sets up the symlinks that point from your project's `node_modules` to the source folders of your packages.
Thanks to Workspaces, absolute imports between our own packages (such as importing `react` from `react-dom`) "just work" with any tools that support the Node resolution mechanism. The only problem we encountered was Jest not running the transforms inside the linked packages, but we [found a fix](, and it was merged into Jest.
To enable Yarn Workspaces, we added `"workspaces": ["packages/*"]` to our [`package.json`](, and moved all the code into [top-level `packages/*` folders](, each with its own `package.json` file.
Each package is structured in a similar way. For every public API entry point such as `react-dom` or `react-dom/server`, there is a [file]( in the package root folder that re-exports the implementation from the [`/src/`]( subfolder. The decision to point entry points to the source rather than to the built versions was intentional. Typically, we re-run a subset of tests after every change during development. Having to build the project to run a test would have been prohibitively slow. When we publish packages to npm, we replace these entry points with files in the [`/npm/`]( folder that point to the build artifacts.
Not all packages have to be published on npm. For example, we keep some utilities that are tiny enough and can be safely duplicated in a [pseudo-package called `shared`]( Our bundler is configured to [only treat `dependencies` declared from `package.json` as externals]( so it happily bundles the `shared` code into `react` and `react-dom` without leaving any references to `shared/` in the build artifacts. So you can use Yarn Workspaces even if you don't plan to publish actual npm packages!
### Removing the Custom Module System
In the past, we used a non-standard module system called "Haste" that lets you import any file from any other file by its unique `@providesModule` directive no matter where it is in the tree. It neatly avoids the problem of deep relative imports with paths like `../../../../` and is great for the product code. However, this makes it hard to understand the dependencies between packages. We also had to resort to hacks to make it work with different tools.
We decided to [remove Haste]( and use the Node resolution with relative imports instead. To avoid the problem of deep relative paths, we have [flattened our repository structure]( so that it goes at most one level deep inside each package:
| |-npm
| |-src
| |-npm
| |-src
| | |-client
| | |-events
| | |-server
| | |-shared
This way, the relative paths can only contain one `./` or `../` followed by the filename. If one package needs to import something from another package, it can do so with an absolute import from a top-level entry point.
In practice, we still have [some cross-package "internal" imports]( that violate this principle, but they're explicit, and we plan to gradually get rid of them.
## Compiling Flat Bundles
Historically, React was distributed in two different formats: as a single-file build that you can add as a `<script>` tag in the browser, and as a collection of CommonJS modules that you can bundle with a tool like webpack or Browserify.
Before React 16, each React source file had a corresponding CommonJS module that was published as part of the npm packages. Importing `react` or `react-dom` led bundlers to the package [entry point]( from which they would build a dependency tree with the CommonJS modules in the [internal `lib` folder](
However, this approach had multiple disadvantages:
* **It was inconsistent.** Different tools produce bundles of different sizes for identical code importing React, with the difference going as far as 30 kB (before gzip).
* **It was inefficient for bundler users.** The code produced by most bundlers today contains a lot of "glue code" at the module boundaries. It keeps the modules isolated from each other, but increases the parse time, the bundle size, and the build time.
* **It was inefficient for Node users.** When running in Node, performing `process.env.NODE_ENV` checks before development-only code incurs the overhead of actually looking up environment variables. This slowed down React server rendering. We couldn't cache it in a variable either because it prevented dead code elimination with Uglify.
* **It broke encapsulation.** React internals were exposed both in the open source (as `react-dom/lib/*` imports) and internally at Facebook. It was convenient at first as a way to share utilities between projects, but with time it became a maintenance burden because renaming or changing argument types of internal functions would break unrelated projects.
* **It prevented experimentation.** There was no way for the React team to experiment with any advanced compilation techniques. For example, in theory, we might want to apply [Google Closure Compiler Advanced]( optimizations or [Prepack]( to some of our code, but they are designed to work on complete bundles rather than small individual modules that we used to ship to npm.
Due to these and other issues, we've changed the strategy in React 16. We still ship CommonJS modules for Node.js and bundlers, but instead of publishing many individual files in the npm package, we publish just two CommonJS bundles per entry point.
For example, when you import `react` with React 16, the bundler [finds the entry point]( that just re-exports one of the two files:
'use strict';
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
module.exports = require('./cjs/react.production.min.js');
} else {
module.exports = require('./cjs/react.development.js');
In every package provided by React, the [`cjs` folder]( (short for "CommonJS") contains a development and a production pre-built bundle for each entry point.
For example, [`react.development.js`]( is the version intended for development. It is readable and includes comments. On the other hand, [`react.production.min.js`]( was minified and optimized before it was published to npm.
Note how this is essentially the same strategy that we've been using for the single-file browser builds (which now reside in the [`umd` directory](, short for [Universal Module Definition]( Now we just apply the same strategy to the CommonJS builds as well.
### Migrating to Rollup
Just compiling CommonJS modules into single-file bundles doesn't solve all of the above problems. The really significant wins came from [migrating our build system]( from Browserify to [Rollup](
[Rollup was designed with libraries rather than apps in mind](, and it is a perfect fit for React's use case. It solves one problem well: how to combine multiple modules into a flat file with minimal junk code in between. To achieve this, instead of turning modules into functions like many other bundlers, it puts all the code in the same scope, and renames variables so that they don't conflict. This produces code that is easier for the JavaScript engine to parse, for a human to read, and for a minifier to optimize.
Rollup currently doesn't support some features that are important to application builders, such as code splitting. However, it does not aim to replace tools like webpack that do a great job at this. Rollup is a perfect fit for *libraries* like React that can be pre-built and then integrated into apps.
You can find our Rollup build configuration [here](, with a [list of plugins we currently use](
### Migrating to Google Closure Compiler
After migrating to flat bundles, we [started]( using [the JavaScript version of the Google Closure Compiler]( in its "simple" mode. In our experience, even with the advanced optimizations disabled, it still provided a significant advantage over Uglify, as it was able to better eliminate dead code and automatically inline small functions when appropriate.
At first, we could only use Google Closure Compiler for the React bundles we shipped in the open source. At Facebook, we still needed the code to be unminified so that we can diagnose React bugs in production from the stack traces. We ended up contributing [a flag]( that completely disables the renaming compiler pass. This lets us apply other optimizations like function inlining, but keep the code fully readable for the Facebook-specific builds of React. To improve the output readability, we [also format that custom build using Prettier]( Interestingly, running Prettier on production bundles while debugging the build process is a great way to find unnecessary code in the bundles!
Currently, all production React bundles [run through Google Closure Compiler in simple mode](, and we may look into enabling advanced optimizations in the future.
### Protecting Against Weak Dead Code Elimination
While we use an efficient [dead code elimination]( solution in React itself, we can't make a lot of assumptions about the tools used by the React consumers.
Typically, when you [configure a bundler for production](/docs/optimizing-performance.html#use-the-production-build), you need to tell it to substitute `process.env.NODE_ENV` with the `"production"` string literal. This process is sometimes called "envification". Consider this code:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
// development-only code
After envification, this condition will always be `false`, and can be completely eliminated by most minifers:
if ("production" !== "production") {
// development-only code
However, if the bundler is miconfigured, you can accidentally ship development code into production. We can't completely prevent this, but we took a few steps to mitigate the common cases when it happens.
#### Protecting Against Late Envification
As mentioned above, our entry points now look like this:
'use strict';
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
module.exports = require('./cjs/react.production.min.js');
} else {
module.exports = require('./cjs/react.development.js');
However, some bundlers process `require`s before envification. In this case, even if the `else` block never executes, the `cjs/react.development.js` file still gets bundled.
To prevent this, we also [wrap the whole content]( of the development bundle into another `process.env.NODE_ENV` check inside the `cjs/react.development.js` bundle itself:
'use strict';
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
(function() {
// bundle code
This way, even if the application bundle includes both the development and the production versions of the file, the development version will be empty after envification.
The additional [IIFE]( wrapper is necessary because some declarations (e.g. functions) can't be placed inside an `if` statement in JavaScript.
#### Detecting Misconfigured Dead Code Elimination
Even though [the situation is changing](, many popular bundlers don't yet force the users to specify the development or production mode. In this case `process.env.NODE_ENV` is typically provided by a runtime polyfill, but the dead code elimination doesn't work.
We can't completely prevent React users from misconfiguring their bundlers, but we introduced a few additional checks for this in [React DevTools](
If the development bundle executes, [React DOM reports this to React DevTools](
<img src="../images/docs/devtools-dev.png" style="max-width:100%" alt="React DevTools on a website with development version of React">
There is also one more bad scenario. Sometimes, `process.env.NODE_ENV` is set to `"production"` at runtime rather than at the build time. This is how it should work in Node.js, but it is bad for the client-side builds because the unnecessary development code is bundled even though it never executes. This is harder to detect but we found a heuristic that works well in most cases and doesn't seem to produce false positives.
We can write a function that contains a [development-only branch]( with an arbitrary string literal. Then, if `process.env.NODE_ENV` is set to `"production"`, we can [call `toString()` on that function]( and verify that the string literal in the development-only has been stripped out. If it is still there, the dead code elimination didn't work, and we need to warn the developer. Since developers might not notice the React DevTools warnings on a production website, we also [throw an error inside `setTimeout`]( from React DevTools in the hope that it will be picked up by the error analytics.
We recognize this approach is somewhat fragile. The `toString()` method is not reliable and may change its behavior in future browser versions. This is why we put that logic into React DevTools itself rather than into React. This allows us to remove it later if it becomes problematic. We also warn only if we *found* the special string literal rather than if we *didn't* find it. This way, if the `toString()` output becomes opaque, or is overriden, the warning just won't fire.
## Catching Mistakes Early
We want to catch bugs as early as possible. However, even with our extensive test coverage, occasionally we make a blunder. We did several changes to our build and test infrastructure this year to make it harder to mess up.
### Migrating to ES Modules
With the CommonJS `require()` and `module.exports`, it is easy to import a function that doesn't really exist, and not realize that until you call it. However, tools like Rollup that natively support [`import`]( and [`export`]( syntax fail the build if you mistype a named import. After releasing React 16, [we have converted the entire React source code]( to the ES Modules syntax.
Not only did this provide some extra protection, but it also helped improve the build size. Many React modules only export utility functions, but CommonJS forced us to wrap them into an object. By turning those utility functions into named exports and eliminating the objects that contained them, we let Rollup place them into the top-level scope, and thus let the minifier mangle their names in the production builds.
For now, have decided to only convert the source code to ES Modules, but not the tests. We use powerful utilities like `jest.resetModules()` and want to retain tighter control over when the modules get intialized in tests. In order to consume ES Modules from our tests, we enabled the [Babel CommonJS transform](, but only for the test environment.
### Running Tests in Production Mode
Historically, we've been running all tests in a development environment. This let us assert on the warning messages produced by React, and seemed to make general sense. However, even though we try to keep the differences between the development and production code paths minimal, occasionally we would make a mistake in production-only code branches that weren't covered by tests, and cause an issue at Facebook.
To solve this problem, we have added a new [`yarn test-prod`]( command that runs on CI for every pull request, and [executes all React test cases in the production mode]( We wrapped any assertions about warning messages into development-only conditional blocks in all tests so that they can still check the rest of the expected behavior in both environments. Since we have a custom Babel transform that replaces production error messages with the [error codes](/blog/2016/07/11/introducing-reacts-error-code-system.html), we also added a [reverse transformation]( as part of the production test run.
### Using Public API in Tests
When we were [rewriting the React reconciler](, we recognized the importance of writing tests against the public API instead of internal modules. If the test is written against the public API, it is clear what is being tested from the user's perspective, and you can run it even if you rewrite the implementation from scratch.
We reached out to the wonderful React community [asking for help]( converting the remaining tests to use the public API. Almost all of the tests are converted now! The process wasn't easy. Sometimes a unit test just calls an internal method, and it's hard to figure out what the observable behavior from user's point of view was supposed to be tested. We found a few strategies that helped with this. The first thing we would try is to find the git history for when the test was added, and find clues in the issue and pull request description. Often they would contain reproducing cases that ended up being more valuable than the original unit tests! A good way to verify the guess is to try commenting out individual lines in the source code being tested. If the test fails, we know for sure that it stresses the given code path.
We would like to give our deepest thanks to [everyone who contributed to this effort](
### Running Tests on Compiled Bundles
There is also one more benefit to writing tests against the public API: now we can [run them against the compiled bundles](
This helps us ensure that tools like Babel, Rollup, and Google Closure Compiler don't introduce any regressions. This also opens the door for future more aggressive optimizations, as we can be confident that React still behaves exactly as expected after them.
To implement this, we have created a [second Jest config]( It overrides our default config but points `react`, `react-dom`, and other entry points to the `/build/packages/` folder. This folder doesn't contain any React source code, and reflects what gets published to npm. It is populated after you run `yarn build`.
This lets us run the same exact tests that we normally run against the source, but execute them using both development and production pre-built React bundles produced with Rollup and Google Closure Compiler.
Unlike the normal test run, the bundle test run depends on the build products so it is not great for quick iteration. However, it still runs on the CI server so if something breaks, the test will display as failed, and we will know it's not safe to merge into master.
There are still some test files that we intentionally don't run against the bundles. Sometimes we want to mock an internal module or override a feature flag that isn't exposed to the public yet. For those cases, we blacklist a test file by renaming it from `MyModule-test.js` to `MyModule-test.internal.js`.
Currently, over 93% out of 2,650 React tests run against the compiled bundles.
### Linting Compiled Bundles
In addition to linting our source code, we run a much more limited set of lint rules (really, [just two of them]( on the compiled bundles. This gives us an extra layer of protection against regressions in the underlying tools and [ensures]( that the bundles don't use any language features that aren't supported by older browsers.
### Simulating Package Publishing
Even running the tests on the built packages is not enough to avoid shipping a broken update. For example, we use the `files` field in our `package.json` files to specify a whitelist of folders and files that should be published on npm. However, it is easy to add a new entry point to a package but forget to add it to the whitelist. Even the bundle tests would pass, but after publishing the new entry point would be missing.
To avoid situations like this, we are now simulating the npm publish by [running `npm pack` and then immediately unpacking the archive]( after the build. Just like `npm publish`, this command filters out anything that isn't in the `files` whitelist. With this approach, if we were to forget adding an entry point to the list, it would be missing in the build folder, and the bundle tests relying on it would fail.
## Customizing the Build
There were a few things that we had to fine-tune after introducing our new build process. It took us a while to figure them out, but we're moderately happy with the solutions that we arrived at.
### Dead Code Elimination
The combination of Rollup and Google Closure Compiler already gets us pretty far in terms of stripping development-only code in production bundles. We [replace]( the `__DEV__` literal with a boolean constant during the build, and both Rollup together and Google Closure Compiler can strip out the `if (false) {}` code branches and even some more sophisticated patterns. However, there is one particularly nasty case:
import warning from 'fbjs/lib/warning';
if (__DEV__) {
warning(false, 'Blimey!');
This pattern is very common in the React source code. However `fbjs/lib/warning` is an external import that isn't being bundled by Rollup for the CommonJS bundle. Therefore, even if `warning()` call ends up being removed, Rollup doesn't know whether it's safe to remove to the import itself. What if the module performs a side effect during initialization? Then removing it would not be safe.
To solve this problem, we use the [`treeshake.pureExternalModules` Rollup option]( which takes an array of modules that we can guarantee don't have side effects. This lets Rollup know that an import to `fbjs/lib/warning` is safe to completely strip out if its value is not being used. However, if it *is* being used (e.g. if we decide to add warnings in production), the import will be preserved. That's why this approach is safer than replacing modules with empty shims.
When we optimize something, we need to ensure it doesn't regress in the future. What if somebody introduces a new development-only import of an external module, and not realize they also need to add it to `pureExternalModules`? Rollup prints a warning in such cases but we've [decided to fail the build completely]( instead. This forces the person adding a new external development-only import to [explicitly specify whether it has side effects or not]( every time.
### Forking Modules
In some cases, different bundles need to contain slightly different code. For example, React Native bundles have a different error handling mechanism that shows a redbox instead of printing a message to the console. However, it can be very inconvenient to thread these differences all the way through the calling modules.
Problems like this are often solved with runtime configuration. However, sometimes it is impossible: for example, the React DOM bundles shouldn't even attempt to import the React Native redbox helpers. It is also unfortunate to bundle the code that never gets used in a particular environment.
Another solution is to use dynamic dependency injection. However, it often produces code that is hard to understand, and may cause cyclical dependencies. It also defies some optimization opportunities.
From the code point of view, ideally we just want to "redirect" a module to its different "forks" for specific bundles. The "forks" have the exact same API as the original modules, but do something different. We found this mental model very intuitive, and [created a fork configuration file]( that specifies how the original modules map to their forks, and the conditions under which this should happen.
For example, this fork config entry specifies different [feature flags]( for different bundles:
'shared/ReactFeatureFlags': (bundleType, entry) => {
switch (entry) {
case 'react-native-renderer':
return 'shared/forks/ReactFeatureFlags.native.js';
case 'react-cs-renderer':
return 'shared/forks/ReactFeatureFlags.native-cs.js';
switch (bundleType) {
case FB_DEV:
case FB_PROD:
return 'shared/forks/ReactFeatureFlags.www.js';
return null;
During the build, [our custom Rollup plugin]( replaces modules with their forks if the conditions have matched. Since both the original modules and the forks are written as ES Modules, Rollup and Google Closure Compiler can inline constants like numbers or booleans, and thus efficiently eliminate dead code for disabled feature flags. In tests, when necessary, we [use `jest.mock()`]( to point the module to the appropriate forked version.
As a bonus, we might want to verify that the export types of the original modules match the export types of the forks exactly. We can use a [slightly odd but totally working Flow trick]( to accomplish this:
import typeof * as FeatureFlagsType from 'shared/ReactFeatureFlags';
import typeof * as FeatureFlagsShimType from './ReactFeatureFlags.native';
type Check<_X, Y: _X, X: Y = _X> = null;
(null: Check<FeatureFlagsShimType, FeatureFlagsType>);
This works by essentially forcing Flow to verify that two types are assignable to each other (and thus are equivalent). Now if we modify the exports of either the original module or the fork without changing the other file, the type check will fail. This might be a little goofy but we found this helpful in practice.
To conclude this section, it is important to note that you can't specify your own module forks if you consume React from npm. This is intentional because none of these files are public API, and they are not covered by the [semver]( guarantees. However, you are always welcome to build React from master or even fork it if you don't mind the instability and the risk of divergence. We hope that this writeup was still helpful in documenting one possible approach to targeting different environments from a single JavaScript library.
## In Conclusion
Did this post inspire you to try some of these ideas in your own projects? We certainly hope so! If you have other ideas about how React build, test, or contribution workflow could be improved, please let us know on [our issue tracker](
You can find the related issues by the [build infrastructure label]( These are often great first contribution opportunities!
## Acknowledgements
We would like to thank:
* [Rich Harris]( and [Lukas Taegert]( for maintaining Rollup and helping us integrate it.
* [Dimitris Vardoulakis](, [Chad Killingsworth](, and [Tyler Breisacher]( for their work on Google Closure Compiler and timely advice.
* [Adrian Carolli](, [@rivenhk](, [Alex Cordeiro](, [Jordan Tepper](, [@sjy](, [Soo Jae Hwang](, [Joe Lim](, [Yu Tian](, and others for helping prototype and implement some of these and other improvements.
* [Anushree Subramani](, [Abid Uzair](, [Sotiris Kiritsis](, [Tim Jacobi](, [Anton Arboleda](, [Jeremias Menichelli](, [Audy Tanudjaja](, [Gordon Dent](, [Iacami Gevaerd
](, [Lucas Lentz](, [Jonathan Silvestri](, [Mike Wilcox](, [Bernardo Smaniotto](, [Douglas Gimli](, [Ethan Arrowood](, and others for their help porting the React test suite to use the public API.