@ -223,9 +223,13 @@ The parent form component could then [use a `ref` to call this method](/docs/glo
> Refs can be useful when interfacing with imperative third party APIs or in certain, limited use cases like the one mentioned above, but generally we recommend you use them sparingly.
To recap, components may contain a mix of controlled and uncontrolled data. When designing a component, it is important to decide which type of data each property will be. **Controlled** properties are often easier to _write_, but they can require more effort to _use_ as they place the burden of state management on the parent component. **Uncontrolled** properties are often easier to _use_, but they may require special consideration about how to properly update after the component has been created.
There are a couple of options for resetting an uncontrolled component's state. Which one is best depends on the component you are writing. Here is a rough guide:
To recap, when designing a component, it is important to decide whether its data will be controlled or uncontrolled.
If you're trying to **"mirror" a prop value in the state**, you can make the component **controlled**, and consolidate the two diverging values in the state of some parent component. For example, rather than accepting a "committed" `props.value` and tracking a "draft" `state.value`– a component could only display `props.value` and call `props.onChange` to notify the parent of a "draft" update. A form component above could then explicitly manage both values in its own state, (e.g. `state.draftValue` and `state.committedValue`), pass one of them down, and reset either of them when appropriate. (Don't forget you can use a nested object if the form contains multiple fields!)
For **uncontrolled** components, if you're trying to **"reset" one or more state fields** when a particular unrelated prop (usually an ID) changes, you have a few options:
1. To reset _all internal state_, use the `key` attribute.
2. To reset _some internal state_, watch for changes in a special property (e.g. `props.id`).
3. Otherwise, consider falling back to an imperative instance method called with a `ref`.