@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ Dan got into programming after he accidentally discovered Visual Basic inside Mi
Luna learned programming because she thought it meant creating video games. Instead, she ended up working on the Pinterest web app, and now on React itself. Luna doesn't want to make video games anymore, but she plans to do creative writing if she ever gets bored.
### Marco Salazar {#marco-salazar}

[@salazarm on GitHub](https://github.com/salazarm) · [@BkOptimism on Twitter](https://twitter.com/BkOptimism)
Marco's first programming language was Assembly because he could use it to hack video games. Now online games are much more secure so he settles for playing fairly (mostly). In his spare time he plays games on his treadmill desk and makes art that he never finishes. Hopefully his PRs don't have the same fate.