@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ export function Preview({
errorScreenRegisteredRef ,
openInCSBRegisteredRef ,
loadingScreenRegisteredRef ,
status ,
} = sandpack ;
if (
@ -67,30 +68,38 @@ export function Preview({
errorScreenRegisteredRef . current = true ;
loadingScreenRegisteredRef . current = true ;
React . useEffect ( ( ) = > {
React . useEffect ( function createBundler() {
const iframeElement = iframeRef . current ! ;
registerBundler ( iframeElement , clientId . current ) ;
const unsub = listen ( ( message : any ) = > {
if ( message . type === 'resize' ) {
setComputedAutoHeight ( message . height ) ;
} else if ( message . type === 'start' ) {
if ( message . firstLoad ) {
setIsReady ( false ) ;
} else if ( message . type === 'test' ) {
// Does it make sense that we're listening to "test" event?
// Not really. Does it cause less flicker than "done"? Yes.
setIsReady ( true ) ;
} , clientId . current ) ;
return ( ) = > {
unsub ( ) ;
unregisterBundler ( clientId . current ) ;
} ;
} , [ ] ) ;
React . useEffect (
function bundlerListener() {
const unsubscribe = listen ( ( message : any ) = > {
if ( message . type === 'resize' ) {
setComputedAutoHeight ( message . height ) ;
} else if ( message . type === 'start' ) {
if ( message . firstLoad ) {
setIsReady ( false ) ;
} else if ( message . type === 'done' ) {
setIsReady ( true ) ;
} , clientId . current ) ;
return ( ) = > {
setIsReady ( false ) ;
setComputedAutoHeight ( null ) ;
unsubscribe ( ) ;
} ;
} ,
[ status === 'idle' ]
) ;
const viewportStyle = computeViewportSize ( 'auto' , 'portrait' ) ;
const overrideStyle = error
? {
@ -175,7 +184,10 @@ export function Preview({
< Error error = { error } / >
< / div >
) }
< LoadingOverlay clientId = { clientId . current } / >
< LoadingOverlay
clientId = { clientId . current }
loading = { ! isReady && iframeComputedHeight === null }
/ >
< / div >
< / div >
) ;