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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ interface DiagramProps {
export function Diagram({name, alt, height, width, children}: DiagramProps) { export function Diagram({name, alt, height, width, children}: DiagramProps) {
return ( return (
<figure className="flex flex-col px-0 py-5 sm:p-10"> <figure className="flex flex-col px-0 p-0 sm:p-10">
<div className="dark-image"> <div className="dark-image">
<Image <Image
src={`/images/docs/diagrams/${name}.dark.svg`} src={`/images/docs/diagrams/${name}.dark.svg`}
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export function Diagram({name, alt, height, width, children}: DiagramProps) {
width={width} width={width}
/> />
</div> </div>
<figcaption className="p-1 sm:p-4 mt-4 sm:mt-0 text-gray-40 text-base lg:text-lg text-center leading-6"> <figcaption className="p-1 sm:p-2 mt-0 sm:mt-0 text-gray-40 text-base lg:text-lg text-center leading-none sm:leading-3">
{children} {children}
</figcaption> </figcaption>
</figure> </figure>


@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ interface DiagramGroupProps {
export function DiagramGroup({children}: DiagramGroupProps) { export function DiagramGroup({children}: DiagramGroupProps) {
return ( return (
<div className="flex flex-col sm:flex-row px-6 py-2 sm:p-0 space-y-10 sm:space-y-0"> <div className="flex flex-col sm:flex-row px-6 py-2 sm:p-0 sm:space-y-0 justify-center items-center">
{children} {children}
</div> </div>
); );


@ -20,11 +20,39 @@ JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that lets you write HTML-like markup in
The Web has been built on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For many years, web developers kept content in HTML, design in CSS, and logic in JavaScript—often in separate files! Content was marked up inside HTML while the page's logic lived separately in JavaScript: The Web has been built on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For many years, web developers kept content in HTML, design in CSS, and logic in JavaScript—often in separate files! Content was marked up inside HTML while the page's logic lived separately in JavaScript:
![HTML and JavaScript living in separate files](/images/docs/illustrations/i_html_js.svg) <DiagramGroup>
<Diagram name="writing_jsx_html" height={237} width={325} alt="HTML markup with purple background and a div with two child tags: p and form. ">
<Diagram name="writing_jsx_js" height={237} width={325} alt="Three JavaScript handlers with yellow background: onSubmit, onLogin, and onClick.">
But as the Web became more interactive, logic increasingly determined content. JavaScript was in charge of the HTML! This is why **in React, rendering logic and markup live together in the same place—components!** But as the Web became more interactive, logic increasingly determined content. JavaScript was in charge of the HTML! This is why **in React, rendering logic and markup live together in the same place—components!**
![JavaScript functions sprinkled with markup](/images/docs/illustrations/i_jsx.svg) <DiagramGroup>
<Diagram name="writing_jsx_sidebar" height={330} width={325} alt="React component with HTML and JavaScript from previous examples mixed. Function name is Sidebar which calls the function isLoggedIn, highlighted in yellow. Nested inside the function highlighted in purple is the p tag from before, and a Form tag referencing the component shown in the next diagram.">
<Diagram name="writing_jsx_form" height={330} width={325} alt="React component with HTML and JavaScript from previous examples mixed. Function name is Form containing two handlers onClick and onSubmit highlighted in yellow. Following the handlers is HTML highlighted in purple. The HTML contains a form element with a nested input element, each with an onClick prop.">
Keeping a button's rendering logic and markup together ensures that they stay in sync with each other on every edit. Conversely, details that are unrelated, such as the button's markup and a sidebar's markup, are isolated from each other, making it safer to change either of them on their own. Keeping a button's rendering logic and markup together ensures that they stay in sync with each other on every edit. Conversely, details that are unrelated, such as the button's markup and a sidebar's markup, are isolated from each other, making it safer to change either of them on their own.
