After returning the structure of your UI from the render method, you may find yourself wanting to "reach out" and invoke methods on component instances returned from render. Often, doing something like this isn't necessary for making data flow through your application, because the Reactive data flow always ensures that the most recent `props` are sent to each child that is output from `render()`. However, there are a few cases where it still might be necessary or beneficial.
After returning the structure of your UI from the render method, you may find yourself wanting to "reach out" and invoke methods on component instances returned from `render()`. Often, doing something like this isn't necessary for making data flow through your application, because the Reactive data flow always ensures that the most recent `props` are sent to each child that is output from `render()`. However, there are a few cases where it still might be necessary or beneficial.
Consider the case, when you wish to tell an `<input />` element (that exists within your instances sub-hierarchy) to focus after you update its value to be the empty string, `''`.