* **[markdown-to-jsx](https://www.npmjs.com/package/markdown-to-jsx)**: compiles markdown into safe React JSX without using dangerous escape hatches.
* **[material-ui](http://material-ui.com)** A set of React Components that implement Google's Material Design.
* **[Material-UI](https://material-ui.com/):** React components that implement Google's Material Design.
* **[Onsen UI React Components](https://onsen.io/v2/react.html):** UI components for hybrid mobile apps with both Material Design for Android and flat design for iOS.
* **[React Amazing Grid](https://github.com/Amazing-Space-Invader/react-amazing-grid)** Flex grid with inline styles.
* **[React Mdl](https://github.com/tleunen/react-mdl)** React Components for Material Design Lite.