React 16 depends on the collection types [Map]( and [Set]( If you support older browsers and devices which may not yet provide these natively (e.g. IE <11)orwhichhavenon-compliantimplementations(e.g.IE11),considerincludingaglobalpolyfillinyourbundledapplication,suchas [core-js]( [babel-polyfill](
React 16 depends on the collection types [Map]( and [Set]( If you support older browsers and devices which may not yet provide these natively (e.g. IE <11)orwhichhavenon-compliantimplementations(e.g.IE11),considerincludingaglobalpolyfillinyourbundledapplication,suchas [core-js](
A polyfilled environment for React 16 using core-js to support older browsers might look like: