diff --git a/tips/02-inline-styles.md b/tips/02-inline-styles.md
index 1f61596a..01d80285 100644
--- a/tips/02-inline-styles.md
+++ b/tips/02-inline-styles.md
@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ In React, inline styles are not specified as a string. Instead they are specifie
var divStyle = {
color: 'white',
backgroundImage: 'url(' + imgUrl + ')',
- WebkitTransition: 'all' // note the capital 'W' here
+ WebkitTransition: 'all', // note the capital 'W' here
+ msTransition: 'all' // 'ms' is the only lowercase vendor prefix
Hello World!
, mountNode);
-Style keys are camelCased in order to be consistent with accessing the properties on DOM nodes from JS (e.g. `node.style.backgroundImage`). Vendor prefixes should begin with a capital letter. This is why `WebkitTransition` has an uppercase "W".
+Style keys are camelCased in order to be consistent with accessing the properties on DOM nodes from JS (e.g. `node.style.backgroundImage`). Vendor prefixes [other than `ms`](http://www.andismith.com/blog/2012/02/modernizr-prefixed/) should begin with a capital letter. This is why `WebkitTransition` has an uppercase "W".