`findDOMNode` is an escape hatch used to access the underlying DOM node. In most cases, use of this escape hatch is discouraged because it pierces the component abstraction. [It has been deprecated in StrictMode](https://reactjs.org/docs/strict-mode.html#warning-about-deprecated-finddomnode-usage).
If you plan to use React on the client to make the markup interactive, do not use this method. Instead, use renderToString on the server and ReactDOM.hydrateRoot() on the client.
@ -24,3 +24,5 @@ class Welcome extends React.Component {
The only method you must define in a `React.Component` subclass is called `render()`. All the other methods described on are optional. Please see the old [React.Component](https://reactjs.org/docs/react-component.html) docs for more info.
@ -12,17 +12,7 @@ const value = useContext(SomeContext)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Passing data deeply into the tree](#passing-data-deeply-into-the-tree)
- [Updating data passed via context](#updating-data-passed-via-context)
- [Specifying a fallback default value](#specifying-a-fallback-default-value)
- [Overriding context for a part of the tree](#overriding-context-for-a-part-of-the-tree)
- [Optimizing re-renders when passing objects and functions](#optimizing-re-renders-when-passing-objects-and-functions)
- [Reference](#reference)
- [`useContext(SomeContext)`](#usecontext)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [My component doesn't see the value from my provider](#my-component-doesnt-see-the-value-from-my-provider)
- [I am always getting undefined from my context although the default value is different](#i-am-always-getting-undefined-from-my-context-although-the-default-value-is-different)
`useInsertionEffect` should be limited to css-in-js library authors. Prefer [`useEffect`](/apis/react/useEffect) or [`useLayoutEffect`](/apis/react/useLayoutEffect) instead.