diff --git a/docs/ref-04-tags-and-attributes.md b/docs/ref-04-tags-and-attributes.md index 9b71c8e8..6cb0b793 100644 --- a/docs/ref-04-tags-and-attributes.md +++ b/docs/ref-04-tags-and-attributes.md @@ -64,7 +64,11 @@ scrollLeft scrollTop seamless selected size span spellCheck src srcDoc step style tabIndex target title type value width wmode ``` -In addition, the non-standard `autoCapitalize` and `autoCorrect` attributes are supported for Mobile Safari, and the `property` attribute is supported for Open Graph `` tags. +In addition, the following non-standard attributes are supported: + +- `autoCapitalize autoCorrect` for Mobile Safari. +- `property` for [Open Graph](http://ogp.me/) meta tags. +- `itemProp itemScope itemType` for [HTML5 microdata](http://schema.org/docs/gs.html). There is also the React-specific attribute `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` ([more here](/react/docs/special-non-dom-attributes.html)), used for directly inserting HTML strings into a component.