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Merge pull request #3705 from zpao/doc/update-supported-attrs

[docs] Update supported HTML attributes
Paul O’Shannessy 10 years ago
  1. 23


@ -53,23 +53,24 @@ These standard attributes are supported:
accept acceptCharset accessKey action allowFullScreen allowTransparency alt
async autoComplete autoFocus autoPlay cellPadding cellSpacing charSet checked classID
className cols colSpan content contentEditable contextMenu controls coords
crossOrigin data dateTime defer dir disabled download draggable encType form
formAction formEncType formMethod formNoValidate formTarget frameBorder height
hidden href hrefLang htmlFor httpEquiv icon id label lang list loop manifest
marginHeight marginWidth max maxLength media mediaGroup method min multiple
muted name noValidate open pattern placeholder poster preload radioGroup
readOnly rel required role rows rowSpan sandbox scope scoped scrolling seamless
selected shape size sizes span spellCheck src srcDoc srcSet start step style
tabIndex target title type useMap value width wmode
async autoComplete autoFocus autoPlay cellPadding cellSpacing charSet checked
classID className colSpan cols content contentEditable contextMenu controls
coords crossOrigin data dateTime defer dir disabled download draggable encType
form formAction formEncType formMethod formNoValidate formTarget frameBorder
headers height hidden high href hrefLang htmlFor httpEquiv icon id label lang
list loop low manifest marginHeight marginWidth max maxLength media mediaGroup
method min multiple muted name noValidate open optimum pattern placeholder
poster preload radioGroup readOnly rel required role rowSpan rows sandbox scope
scoped scrolling seamless selected shape size sizes span spellCheck src srcDoc
srcSet start step style tabIndex target title type useMap value width wmode
In addition, the following non-standard attributes are supported:
- `autoCapitalize autoCorrect` for Mobile Safari.
- `property` for [Open Graph]( meta tags.
- `itemProp itemScope itemType itemRef itemId` for [HTML5 microdata](
- `itemProp itemScope itemType itemRef itemID` for [HTML5 microdata](
- `unselectable` for Internet Explorer.
There is also the React-specific attribute `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` ([more here](/react/docs/special-non-dom-attributes.html)), used for directly inserting HTML strings into a component.
