If a ternary expression isn't robust enough, you can use `if` statements to determine which
components should be used.
If a ternary expression isn't robust enough, you can use `if` statements outside of your JSX to determine which components should be used:
var loginButton;
@ -49,7 +48,34 @@ return (
Or if you prefer a more "inline" aesthetic, define [immediately-invoked function expressions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immediately-invoked_function_expression) _inside_ your JSX:
return (
<p>{this.state.color || "white"}</p>
{() => {
switch (this.state.color) {
case "red": return "#FF0000";
case "green": return "#00FF00";
case "blue": return "#0000FF";
default: return "#FFFFFF";
> Note:
> In the example above, an ES6 [arrow function](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Arrow_functions) is utilized to lexically bind the value of `this`.
Try using it today with the [JSX compiler](/react/jsx-compiler.html).