@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ There are many wonderful curated resources the React community has put together. |
- [Awesome React Components](https://github.com/brillout/awesome-react-components) - A curated list of React components. |
- [Awesome React Components](https://github.com/brillout/awesome-react-components) - A curated list of React components. |
- [Awesome React Talks](https://github.com/tiaanduplessis/awesome-react-talks) - A curated list of React talks. |
- [Awesome React Talks](https://github.com/tiaanduplessis/awesome-react-talks) - A curated list of React talks. |
- [Hero35 React Hub](https://hero35.com/stack/react) - A website with _all_ React conferences and talks, categorized & curated. |