[Learn more about the forwardRef API here.](/docs/forwarding-refs.html)
## Component Lifecycle Changes
React's class component API has been around for years with little change. However, as we add support for more advanced features (such as [error boundaries](/docs/react-component.html#componentdidcatch) and the upcoming [async rendering mode](/blog/2018/03/01/sneak-peek-beyond-react-16.html)) we stretch this model in ways that it was not originally intended.
@ -20,3 +20,18 @@ This means that refs intended for our `FancyButton` component will actually be a
Fortunately, we can explicitly forward refs to the inner `FancyButton` component using the `React.forwardRef` API. `React.forwardRef` accepts a render function that receives `props` and `ref` parameters and returns a React node. For example:
## Displaying a custom name in DevTools
`React.forwardRef` accepts a render function. React DevTools uses this function to determine what to display for the ref forwarding component.
For example, the following component will appear as "*ForwardRef*" in the DevTools:
If you name the render function, DevTools will also include its name (e.g. "*ForwardRef(myFunction)*"):