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Add ReactTestUtils to addons

petehunt 11 years ago
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@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
title: Two-Way Binding Helpers
- id: class-name-manipulation
title: Class Name Manipulation
- id: test-utils
title: Test Utilities
- id: examples
title: Examples
- title: Reference


@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ next: animation.html
`React.addons` is where we park some useful utilities for building React apps. **These should be considered experimental** but will eventually be rolled into core or a blessed utilities library:
- `ReactTransitions`, for dealing with animations and transitions that are usually not simple to implement, such as before a component's removal.
- `ReactLink`, to simplify the coordination between user's form input data and and the component's state.
- `classSet`, for manipulating the DOM `class` string a bit more cleanly.
- [`ReactTransitions`](animation.html), for dealing with animations and transitions that are usually not simple to implement, such as before a component's removal.
- [`ReactLink`](two-way-binding-helpers.html), to simplify the coordination between user's form input data and and the component's state.
- [`classSet`](class-name-manipulation.html), for manipulating the DOM `class` string a bit more cleanly.
- [`ReactTestUtils`](test-utils.html), simple helpers for writing test cases (unminified build only).
To get the add-ons, use `react-with-addons.js` (and its minified counterpart) rather than the common `react.js`.


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ title: Class Name Manipulation
layout: docs
permalink: class-name-manipulation.html
prev: two-way-binding-helpers.html
next: examples.html
next: test-utils.html
`classSet()` is a neat utility for easily manipulating the DOM `class` string.


@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
id: test-utils
title: Test Utilities
layout: docs
permalink: test-utils.html
prev: class-name-manipulation.html
next: examples.html
`React.addons.TestUtils` makes it easy to test React components in the testing framework of your choice (we use [Jasmine]( All functions except for `renderIntoDocument()` work without a browser DOM.
#### ReactComponent renderIntoDocument(ReactComponent instance)
Render a component into a detached DOM node in the document. **This is the only function that requires a DOM.**
#### boolean isComponentOfType(ReactComponent instance, function componentClass)
Returns true if `instance` is an instance of a React `componentClass`.
#### boolean isDOMComponent(ReactComponent instance)
Returns true if `instance` is a DOM component (such as a `<div>` or `<span>`).
#### boolean isCompositeComponent(ReactComponent instance)`
Returns true if `instance` is a composite component (created with `React.createClass()`)
#### boolean isCompositeComponentWithType(ReactComponent instance, function componentClass)
The combination of `isComponentOfType()` and `isCompositeComponent()`.
#### boolean isTextComponent(ReactComponent instance)
Returns true if `instance` is a plain text component.
#### array findAllInRenderedTree(ReactComponent tree, function test)
Traverse all components in `tree` and accumulate all components where `test(component)` is true. This is not that useful on its own, but it's used as a primitive for other test utils.
#### array scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(ReactCompoennt tree, string className)
Finds all instance of components in the rendered tree that are DOM components with the class name matching `className`.
#### ReactComponent findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(ReactComponent tree, string className)
Like `scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass()` but expects there to be one result, and returns that one result, or throws exception if there is any other number of matches besides one.
#### array scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(ReactComponent tree, string tagName)
Finds all instance of components in the rendered tree that are DOM components with the tag name matching `tagName`.
#### ReactComponent findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(ReactComponent tree, string tagName)
Like `scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag()` but expects there to be one result, and returns that one result, or throws exception if there is any other number of matches besides one.
#### array scryRenderedComponentsWithType(ReactComponent tree, function componentClass)
Finds all instances of components with type equal to `componentClass`.
#### ReactComponent findRenderedComponentWithType(ReactComponent tree, function componentClass)
Same as `scryRenderedComponentsWithType()` but expects there to be one result and returns that one result, or throws exception if there is any other number of matches besides one.
#### object mockComponent(function componentClass, string? tagName)
Pass a mocked component module to this method to augment it with useful methods that allow it to be used as a dummy React component. Instead of rendering as usual, the component will become a simple `<div>` (or other tag if `mockTagName` is provided) containing any provided children.
#### Simulate.{eventName}({ReactComponent|DOMElement} element, object nativeEventData)
Simulate an event dispatch on a React component instance or browser DOM node with optional `nativeEventData` event data. This uses React's event system so it works outside of the browser. **This is possibly the single most useful utility in `ReactTestUtils`.**
**NOTE:** this helper is used to simulate browser events, so synthetic React events like `change` are not available. If you want to test `change`, simulate the underlying `input` browser event.
Example usage: ``
`Simulate` has a method for every event that React understands.