diff --git a/content/docs/reference-react-component.md b/content/docs/reference-react-component.md
index c6b2aeda..58710ede 100644
--- a/content/docs/reference-react-component.md
+++ b/content/docs/reference-react-component.md
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ When called, it should examine `this.props` and `this.state` and return one of t
- **Arrays and fragments.** Let you return multiple elements from render. See the documentation on [fragments](/docs/fragments.html) for more details.
- **Portals**. Let you render children into a different DOM subtree. See the documentation on [portals](/docs/portals.html) for more details.
- **String and numbers.** These are rendered as text nodes in the DOM.
-- **Booleans or `null`**. Render nothing. (Mostly exists to support `return test && ` pattern, where `test` is boolean.)
+- **Booleans or `null` or `undefined`**. Render nothing. (Mostly exists to support `return test && ` pattern, where `test` is boolean).
The `render()` function should be pure, meaning that it does not modify component state, it returns the same result each time it's invoked, and it does not directly interact with the browser.