@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ The following toolchains offer more flexibility and choice. We recommend them to
- **[Nx](https://nx.dev/react)** is a toolkit for full-stack monorepo development, with built-in support for React, Next.js, [Express](https://expressjs.com/), and more.
- **[Parcel](https://parceljs.org/)** is a fast, zero configuration web application bundler that [works with React](https://parceljs.org/recipes.html#react).
- **[Parcel](https://parceljs.org/)** is a fast, zero configuration web application bundler that [works with React](https://parceljs.org/recipes/react/).
- **[Razzle](https://github.com/jaredpalmer/razzle)** is a server-rendering framework that doesn't require any configuration, but offers more flexibility than Next.js.