features → feature
> There is nothing "bad" about using state or lifecycle hooks in components. Like any powerful feature**s**, they should be used in moderation, but we have no intention to remove them.
I can’t explain the exact grammatical principle this violates, but it sounds wrong to my native English ears that “feature” is plural here. Another way to check if the grammar sounds right is to change the order of the clauses: ”They should be used in moderation, like any powerful feature“ sounds right, whereas “They should be used in moderation, like any powerful features” does not.
* Updated Chain React
Changed conference date from "Summer 2017" to given date on website
* Updated React Native EU
Updated date and place with information from website
* Update Lifting State Up not to mix up DOM value with component state
A few weeks ago when teaching my friend, she got stuck on
`this.state.value` vs. `event.target.value`. As the documentation
talked a lot about "values", and the term value could mean three
different things (values in general, the "value" prop / DOM value of
the <input> component and the value in state/props), it was not weird
that she got a bit confused.
* Rename Lifting State Up onChange props to onTemperatureChange
This is in-line with how the temperature is provided as a prop named `temperature`
* Fix one value prop not being renamed to temperature
* Update codepen examples in Lifting state up documentation
* Update devtools state change to reflect docs change
* Improved for a better understanding
that code shouldn't name this parameter onchange. It is so confusing for a starter of ReactJs like me. It looks like that the onChange is an common event from props.
* Update the lifting state up paragraph
I tried to write something to explain to starter programmers in react, how we lift the state up calling a method defined by the ancestor and called by the children that will affect the children element.
* Rewrite Lifting State Up
* Add note about refs on stateless components
* Move info about refs in the stateless components to the main section
* Simplification of the part about refs and functional components
* Tweaks
* Move sections around
* Oops
* Rearrange more sections
* Explain arbitrariness of ref name in callback
The sample code was confusing because it's not clear that "textInput" in this.textInput is an arbitrary name for the ref.
* Tweak wording