Update tutorial.md to improve grammatical parallelism in features list. Also added periods to follow first item's syntax.
BEFORE: "Live updates: as other users comment we'll pop them into the comment view in real time"
AFTER: "Live updates: other users' comments are popped into the comment view in real time."
BEFORE: "Markdown formatting: users can use Markdown to format their text"
AFTER: "Markdown formatting: users can use Markdown to format their text."
The word "Friends" does establish a relationship however it does not fit in the vernacular of react.
This change makes the phrase more explicit and more familiar.
I kept some places intact (search for @jsx) because they require other bigger changes:
- ref-01-top-level-api.md
- grunt/tasks/npm.js
- old blog posts (don't change those)
- examples/ folder, as they have their own package.json that rely on old dependencies (node-jsx, reactify) that haven't upgraded to 0.12
In a world where this component was server-rendered, we wouldn't want to call the data-fetching code there so it makes more sense to have it in componentDidMount.
This may be superfluous, but it helped me find an error with something I
was doing - Namely, in my .json file, I had single line javascript
comments ("//") that I copied from the tutorial. I couldn't find the
issue on later steps, but was able to see my issue when the error
handler complained about an unexpected "/" in my file in step #13
dataType was unnecessary; mimeType was both unnecessary and wrong in this case. Also removed an unnecessary bind and changed pollInterval to 2000 ms for consistency with https://github.com/petehunt/react-tutorial (faster is nicer if you actually try it out!).