Adds a new docs website, built with Gatsby JS, to replace the old Jekyll site. Source code for the new site lives in /www (although markdown and YML data still comes from the legacy /docs folder).
Changes to either markdown or website source code can be previewed on Netlify. The react-js bot should automatically add comments to each PR with preview links. (This preview is generated by running the newly-added yarn build:docs command in the root package.json.)
The majority of the changes in this PR are contained within the new /www directory. However some minor modifications have been made to existing content in the /docs directory:
* Modified frontmatter author block to always be an array
* Small markdown formatting tweaks
While reading the page, the "chain of thought" is broken by stating that the `tempertature` and `onTemperatureChange` don't have any special meaning. Making this a blockquote makes that note look more like a comment and keep the "chain of thought" intact.
* Update Lifting State Up not to mix up DOM value with component state
A few weeks ago when teaching my friend, she got stuck on
`this.state.value` vs. ``. As the documentation
talked a lot about "values", and the term value could mean three
different things (values in general, the "value" prop / DOM value of
the <input> component and the value in state/props), it was not weird
that she got a bit confused.
* Rename Lifting State Up onChange props to onTemperatureChange
This is in-line with how the temperature is provided as a prop named `temperature`
* Fix one value prop not being renamed to temperature
* Update codepen examples in Lifting state up documentation
* Update devtools state change to reflect docs change
* Improved for a better understanding
that code shouldn't name this parameter onchange. It is so confusing for a starter of ReactJs like me. It looks like that the onChange is an common event from props.
* Update the lifting state up paragraph
I tried to write something to explain to starter programmers in react, how we lift the state up calling a method defined by the ancestor and called by the children that will affect the children element.
* Rewrite Lifting State Up