id: if-else-in-JSX
title: If-Else in JSX
layout: docs
permalink: if-else-in-JSX.html
### Problem
You want to use conditional in JSX.
### Solution
Don't forget that JSX is really just sugar for functions:
/** @jsx React.DOM */
// this
Hello World!
, mountNode);
// is the same as this
React.renderComponent(React.DOM.div({id:"msg"}, "Hello World!"), mountNode);
Which means `Hello World!
` doesn't make sense, as (if it worked) it would be compiled down to something like this `React.DOM.div({id: if (true){ 'msg' }}, "Hello World!")`, which isn't valid JS.
What you're searching for is ternary expression:
/** @jsx React.DOM */
// this
React.renderComponent(Hello World!
, mountNode);
### Discussion
Try the [JSX compiler](http://facebook.github.io/react/jsx-compiler.html) to see how this works. It's a very simple transformation, thus making JSX entirely optional to use with React.