# Map of short name to more information. `name` will be used but if you don't # want to use your real name, just use whatever. If url is included, your name # will be a link to the provided url. abernathyca: name: Christine Abernathy url: https://twitter.com/abernathyca acdlite: name: Andrew Clark url: https://twitter.com/acdlite benigeri: name: Paul Benigeri url: https://github.com/benigeri bvaughn: name: Brian Vaughn url: https://github.com/bvaughn chenglou: name: Cheng Lou url: https://twitter.com/_chenglou clemmy: name: Clement Hoang url: https://twitter.com/c8hoang Daniel15: name: Daniel Lo Nigro url: https://d.sb/ fisherwebdev: name: Bill Fisher url: https://twitter.com/fisherwebdev flarnie: name: Flarnie Marchan url: https://twitter.com/ProbablyFlarnie gaearon: name: Dan Abramov url: https://twitter.com/dan_abramov jaredly: name: Jared Forsyth url: https://twitter.com/jaredforsyth jgebhardt: name: Jonas Gebhardt url: https://twitter.com/jonasgebhardt jimfb: name: Jim Sproch url: http://www.jimsproch.com jingc: name: Jing Chen url: https://twitter.com/jingc josephsavona: name: Joseph Savona url: https://twitter.com/en_JS jtannady: name: Jesslyn Tannady url: https://twitter.com/jtannady keyanzhang: name: Keyan Zhang url: https://twitter.com/keyanzhang kmeht: name: Kunal Mehta url: https://github.com/kmeht laurentan: name: Lauren Tan url: https://twitter.com/sugarpirate_ LoukaN: name: Lou Husson url: https://twitter.com/loukan42 lunaruan: name: Luna Ruan url: https://twitter.com/lunaruan matthewjohnston4: name: Matthew Johnston url: https://github.com/matthewathome nhunzaker: name: Nathan Hunzaker url: https://github.com/nhunzaker petehunt: name: Pete Hunt url: https://twitter.com/floydophone rachelnabors: name: Rachel Nabors url: https://twitter.com/rachelnabors reactteam: name: The React Team url: https://reactjs.org/community/team.html rickhanlonii: name: Rick Hanlon url: https://twitter.com/rickhanlonii schrockn: name: Nick Schrock url: https://twitter.com/schrockn sebmarkbage: name: Sebastian Markbåge url: https://twitter.com/sebmarkbage sethwebster: name: Seth Webster url: https://twitter.com/sethwebster sophiebits: name: Sophie Alpert url: https://sophiebits.com/ steveluscher: name: Steven Luscher url: https://twitter.com/steveluscher tesseralis: name: Nat Alison url: https://twitter.com/tesseralis threepointone: name: Sunil Pai url: https://twitter.com/threepointone timer: name: Joe Haddad url: https://twitter.com/timer150 vjeux: name: Vjeux url: https://twitter.com/vjeux wincent: name: Greg Hurrell url: https://twitter.com/wincent zpao: name: Paul O’Shannessy url: https://twitter.com/zpao tomocchino: name: Tom Occhino url: https://twitter.com/tomocchino