--- title: React v0.9 RC layout: post author: Ben Alpert --- We're almost ready to release React v0.9! We're posting a release candidate so that you can test your apps on it; we'd much prefer to find show-stopping bugs now rather than after we release. The release candidate is available for download from the CDN: * **React** Dev build with warnings: <http://fb.me/react-0.9.0-rc1.js> Minified build for production: <http://fb.me/react-0.9.0-rc1.min.js> * **React with Add-Ons** Dev build with warnings: <http://fb.me/react-with-addons-0.9.0-rc1.js> Minified build for production: <http://fb.me/react-with-addons-0.9.0-rc1.min.js> * **In-Browser JSX transformer** <http://fb.me/JSXTransformer-0.9.0-rc1.js> We've also published version `0.9.0-rc1` of the `react` and `react-tools` packages on npm and the `react` package on bower. Please try these builds out and [file an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/new) if you see anything awry. ## Upgrade Notes In addition to the changes to React core listed below, we've made a small change to the way JSX interprets whitespace to make things more consistent. With this release, space between two components on the same line will be preserved, while a newline separating a text node from a tag will be eliminated in the output. Consider the code: ```html <div> Monkeys: {listOfMonkeys} {submitButton} </div> ``` In v0.8 and below, it was transformed to the following: ```javascript React.DOM.div(null, " Monkeys: ", listOfMonkeys, submitButton ) ``` In v0.9, it will be transformed to this JS instead: ```javascript{2,3} React.DOM.div(null, "Monkeys:", listOfMonkeys, " ", submitButton ) ``` We believe this new behavior is more helpful and elimates cases where unwanted whitespace was previously added. In cases where you want to preserve the space adjacent to a newline, you can write a JS string like `{"Monkeys: "}` in your JSX source. We've included a script to do an automated codemod of your JSX source tree that preserves the old whitespace behavior by adding and removing spaces appropriately. You can [install jsx\_whitespace\_transformer from npm](https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/npm-jsx_whitespace_transformer/README.md) and run it over your source tree to modify files in place. The transformed JSX files will preserve your code's existing whitespace behavior. ## Changelog ### React Core #### Breaking Changes - The lifecycle methods `componentDidMount` and `componentDidUpdate` no longer receive the root node as a parameter; use `this.getDOMNode()` instead - Whenever a prop is equal to `undefined`, the default value returned by `getDefaultProps` will now be used instead - `React.unmountAndReleaseReactRootNode` was previously deprecated and has now been removed - `React.renderComponentToString` is now synchronous and returns the generated HTML string - Full-page rendering (that is, rendering the `<html>` tag using React) is now supported only when starting with server-rendered markup - On mouse wheel events, `deltaY` is no longer negated - When prop types validation fails, a warning is logged instead of an error thrown (with the production build of React, the type checks are now skipped for performance) - On `input`, `select`, and `textarea` elements, `.getValue()` is no longer supported; use `.getDOMNode().value` instead - `this.context` on components is now reserved for internal use by React #### New Features - React now never rethrows errors, so stack traces are more accurate and Chrome's purple break-on-error stop sign now works properly - Added a new tool for profiling React components and identifying places where defining `shouldComponentUpdate` can give performance improvements - Added support for SVG tags `defs`, `linearGradient`, `polygon`, `radialGradient`, `stop` - Added support for more attributes: - `noValidate` and `formNoValidate` for forms - `property` for Open Graph `<meta>` tags - `sandbox`, `seamless`, and `srcDoc` for `<iframe>` tags - `scope` for screen readers - `span` for `<colgroup>` tags - Added support for defining `propTypes` in mixins - Added `any`, `arrayOf`, `component`, `oneOfType`, `renderable`, `shape` to `React.PropTypes` - Added support for `statics` on component spec for static component methods - On all events, `.currentTarget` is now properly set - On keyboard events, `.key` is now polyfilled in all browsers for special (non-printable) keys - On clipboard events, `.clipboardData` is now polyfilled in IE - On drag events, `.dataTransfer` is now present - Added support for `onMouseOver` and `onMouseOut` in addition to the existing `onMouseEnter` and `onMouseLeave` events - Added support for `onLoad` and `onError` on `<img>` elements - Added support for `onReset` on `<form>` elements - The `autoFocus` attribute is now polyfilled consistently on `input`, `select`, and `textarea` #### Bug Fixes - React no longer adds an `__owner__` property to each component's `props` object; passed-in props are now never mutated - When nesting top-level components (e.g., calling `React.renderComponent` within `componentDidMount`), events now properly bubble to the parent component - Fixed a case where nesting top-level components would throw an error when updating - Passing an invalid or misspelled propTypes type now throws an error - On mouse enter/leave events, `.target`, `.relatedTarget`, and `.type` are now set properly - On composition events, `.data` is now properly normalized in IE9 and IE10 - CSS property values no longer have `px` appended for the unitless properties `columnCount`, `flex`, `flexGrow`, `flexShrink`, `lineClamp`, `order`, `widows` - Fixed a memory leak when unmounting children with a `componentWillUnmount` handler - Fixed a memory leak when `renderComponentToString` would store event handlers - Fixed an error that could be thrown when removing form elements during a click handler - `key` values containing `.` are now supported - Shortened `data-reactid` values for performance - Components now always remount when the `key` property changes - Event handlers are attached to `document` only when necessary, improving performance in some cases - Events no longer use `.returnValue` in modern browsers, eliminating a warning in Chrome - `scrollLeft` and `scrollTop` are no longer accessed on document.body, eliminating a warning in Chrome - General performance fixes, memory optimizations, improvements to warnings and error messages ### React with Addons - `React.addons.TransitionGroup` was renamed to `React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup` - `React.addons.TransitionGroup` was added as a more general animation wrapper - `React.addons.cloneWithProps` was added for cloning components and modifying their props - Bug fix for adding back nodes during an exit transition for CSSTransitionGroup - Bug fix for changing `transitionLeave` in CSSTransitionGroup - Performance optimizations for CSSTransitionGroup - On checkbox `<input>` elements, `checkedLink` is now supported for two-way binding ### JSX Compiler and react-tools Package - Whitespace normalization has changed; now space between two tags on the same line will be preserved, while newlines between two tags will be removed - The `react-tools` npm package no longer includes the React core libraries; use the `react` package instead. - `displayName` is now added in more cases, improving error messages and names in the React Dev Tools - Fixed an issue where an invalid token error was thrown after a JSX closing tag - `JSXTransformer` now uses source maps automatically in modern browsers - `JSXTransformer` error messages now include the filename and problematic line contents when a file fails to parse