/** * Copyright 2013-2014 Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * This is a very simple HTML to JSX converter. It turns out that browsers * have good HTML parsers (who would have thought?) so we utilise this by * inserting the HTML into a temporary DOM node, and then do a breadth-first * traversal of the resulting DOM tree. */ ;(function(global) { 'use strict'; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.nodeType var NODE_TYPE = { ELEMENT: 1, TEXT: 3, COMMENT: 8 }; var ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING = { 'for': 'htmlFor', 'class': 'className' }; /** * Repeats a string a certain number of times. * Also: the future is bright and consists of native string repetition: * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/repeat * * @param {string} string String to repeat * @param {number} times Number of times to repeat string. Integer. * @see http://jsperf.com/string-repeater/2 */ function repeatString(string, times) { if (times === 1) { return string; } if (times < 0) { throw new Error(); } var repeated = ''; while (times) { if (times & 1) { repeated += string; } if (times >>= 1) { string += string; } } return repeated; } /** * Determine if the string ends with the specified substring. * * @param {string} haystack String to search in * @param {string} needle String to search for * @return {boolean} */ function endsWith(haystack, needle) { return haystack.slice(-needle.length) === needle; } /** * Trim the specified substring off the string. If the string does not end * with the specified substring, this is a no-op. * * @param {string} haystack String to search in * @param {string} needle String to search for * @return {string} */ function trimEnd(haystack, needle) { return endsWith(haystack, needle) ? haystack.slice(0, -needle.length) : haystack; } /** * Convert a hyphenated string to camelCase. */ function hyphenToCamelCase(string) { return string.replace(/-(.)/g, function(match, chr) { return chr.toUpperCase(); }); } /** * Determines if the specified string consists entirely of whitespace. */ function isEmpty(string) { return !/[^\s]/.test(string); } /** * Determines if the specified string consists entirely of numeric characters. */ function isNumeric(input) { return input !== undefined && input !== null && (typeof input === 'number' || parseInt(input, 10) == input); } var HTMLtoJSX = function(config) { this.config = config || {}; if (this.config.createClass === undefined) { this.config.createClass = true; } if (!this.config.indent) { this.config.indent = ' '; } if (!this.config.outputClassName) { this.config.outputClassName = 'NewComponent'; } }; HTMLtoJSX.prototype = { /** * Reset the internal state of the converter */ reset: function() { this.output = ''; this.level = 0; }, /** * Main entry point to the converter. Given the specified HTML, returns a * JSX object representing it. * @param {string} html HTML to convert * @return {string} JSX */ convert: function(html) { this.reset(); // It turns out browsers have good HTML parsers (imagine that). // Let's take advantage of it. var containerEl = document.createElement('div'); containerEl.innerHTML = '\n' + this._cleanInput(html) + '\n'; if (this.config.createClass) { if (this.config.outputClassName) { this.output = 'var ' + this.config.outputClassName + ' = React.createClass({\n'; } else { this.output = 'React.createClass({\n'; } this.output += this.config.indent + 'render: function() {' + "\n"; this.output += this.config.indent + this.config.indent + 'return (\n'; } if (this._onlyOneTopLevel(containerEl)) { // Only one top-level element, the component can return it directly // No need to actually visit the container element this._traverse(containerEl); } else { // More than one top-level element, need to wrap the whole thing in a // container. this.output += this.config.indent + this.config.indent + this.config.indent; this.level++; this._visit(containerEl); } this.output = this.output.trim() + '\n'; if (this.config.createClass) { this.output += this.config.indent + this.config.indent + ');\n'; this.output += this.config.indent + '}\n'; this.output += '});'; } return this.output; }, /** * Cleans up the specified HTML so it's in a format acceptable for * converting. * * @param {string} html HTML to clean * @return {string} Cleaned HTML */ _cleanInput: function(html) { // Remove unnecessary whitespace html = html.trim(); // Ugly method to strip script tags. They can wreak havoc on the DOM nodes // so let's not even put them in the DOM. html = html.replace(/<script(.*?)<\/script>/g, ''); return html; }, /** * Determines if there's only one top-level node in the DOM tree. That is, * all the HTML is wrapped by a single HTML tag. * * @param {DOMElement} containerEl Container element * @return {boolean} */ _onlyOneTopLevel: function(containerEl) { // Only a single child element if ( containerEl.childNodes.length === 1 && containerEl.childNodes[0].nodeType === NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT ) { return true; } // Only one element, and all other children are whitespace var foundElement = false; for (var i = 0, count = containerEl.childNodes.length; i < count; i++) { var child = containerEl.childNodes[i]; if (child.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT) { if (foundElement) { // Encountered an element after already encountering another one // Therefore, more than one element at root level return false; } else { foundElement = true; } } else if (child.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT && !isEmpty(child.textContent)) { // Contains text content return false; } } return true; }, /** * Gets a newline followed by the correct indentation for the current * nesting level * * @return {string} */ _getIndentedNewline: function() { return '\n' + repeatString(this.config.indent, this.level + 2); }, /** * Handles processing the specified node * * @param {Node} node */ _visit: function(node) { this._beginVisit(node); this._traverse(node); this._endVisit(node); }, /** * Traverses all the children of the specified node * * @param {Node} node */ _traverse: function(node) { this.level++; for (var i = 0, count = node.childNodes.length; i < count; i++) { this._visit(node.childNodes[i]); } this.level--; }, /** * Handle pre-visit behaviour for the specified node. * * @param {Node} node */ _beginVisit: function(node) { switch (node.nodeType) { case NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT: this._beginVisitElement(node); break; case NODE_TYPE.TEXT: this._visitText(node); break; case NODE_TYPE.COMMENT: this._visitComment(node); break; default: console.warn('Unrecognised node type: ' + node.nodeType); } }, /** * Handles post-visit behaviour for the specified node. * * @param {Node} node */ _endVisit: function(node) { switch (node.nodeType) { case NODE_TYPE.ELEMENT: this._endVisitElement(node); break; // No ending tags required for these types case NODE_TYPE.TEXT: case NODE_TYPE.COMMENT: break; } }, /** * Handles pre-visit behaviour for the specified element node * * @param {DOMElement} node */ _beginVisitElement: function(node) { var tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); var attributes = []; for (var i = 0, count = node.attributes.length; i < count; i++) { attributes.push(this._getElementAttribute(node, node.attributes[i])); } this.output += '<' + tagName; if (attributes.length > 0) { this.output += ' ' + attributes.join(' '); } if (node.firstChild) { this.output += '>'; } }, /** * Handles post-visit behaviour for the specified element node * * @param {Node} node */ _endVisitElement: function(node) { // De-indent a bit // TODO: It's inefficient to do it this way :/ this.output = trimEnd(this.output, this.config.indent); if (node.firstChild) { this.output += '</' + node.tagName.toLowerCase() + '>'; } else { this.output += ' />'; } }, /** * Handles processing of the specified text node * * @param {TextNode} node */ _visitText: function(node) { var text = node.textContent; // If there's a newline in the text, adjust the indent level if (text.indexOf('\n') > -1) { text = node.textContent.replace(/\n\s*/g, this._getIndentedNewline()); } this.output += text; }, /** * Handles processing of the specified text node * * @param {Text} node */ _visitComment: function(node) { // Do not render the comment // Since we remove comments, we also need to remove the next line break so we // don't end up with extra whitespace after every comment //if (node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType === NODE_TYPE.TEXT) { // node.nextSibling.textContent = node.nextSibling.textContent.replace(/\n\s*/, ''); //} this.output += '{/*' + node.textContent.replace('*/', '* /') + '*/}'; }, /** * Gets a JSX formatted version of the specified attribute from the node * * @param {DOMElement} node * @param {object} attribute * @return {string} */ _getElementAttribute: function(node, attribute) { switch (attribute.name) { case 'style': return this._getStyleAttribute(attribute.value); default: var name = ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING[attribute.name] || attribute.name; var result = name + '='; // Numeric values should be output as {123} not "123" if (isNumeric(attribute.value)) { result += '{' + attribute.value + '}'; } else { result += '"' + attribute.value.replace('"', '"') + '"'; } return result; } }, /** * Gets a JSX formatted version of the specified element styles * * @param {string} styles * @return {string} */ _getStyleAttribute: function(styles) { var jsxStyles = new StyleParser(styles).toJSXString(); return 'style={{' + jsxStyles + '}}'; } }; /** * Handles parsing of inline styles * * @param {string} rawStyle Raw style attribute * @constructor */ var StyleParser = function(rawStyle) { this.parse(rawStyle); }; StyleParser.prototype = { /** * Parse the specified inline style attribute value * @param {string} rawStyle Raw style attribute */ parse: function(rawStyle) { this.styles = {}; rawStyle.split(';').forEach(function(style) { style = style.trim(); var firstColon = style.indexOf(':'); var key = style.substr(0, firstColon); var value = style.substr(firstColon + 1).trim(); if (key !== '') { this.styles[key] = value; } }, this); }, /** * Convert the style information represented by this parser into a JSX * string * * @return {string} */ toJSXString: function() { var output = []; for (var key in this.styles) { if (!this.styles.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } output.push(this.toJSXKey(key) + ': ' + this.toJSXValue(this.styles[key])); } return output.join(', '); }, /** * Convert the CSS style key to a JSX style key * * @param {string} key CSS style key * @return {string} JSX style key */ toJSXKey: function(key) { return hyphenToCamelCase(key); }, /** * Convert the CSS style value to a JSX style value * * @param {string} value CSS style value * @return {string} JSX style value */ toJSXValue: function(value) { if (isNumeric(value)) { // If numeric, no quotes return value; } else if (endsWith(value, 'px')) { // "500px" -> 500 return trimEnd(value, 'px'); } else { // Proably a string, wrap it in quotes return '\'' + value.replace(/'/g, '"') + '\''; } } }; // Expose public API global.HTMLtoJSX = HTMLtoJSX; }(window));