id: getting-started
title: Getting Started
layout: docs
next: tutorial.html

## JSFiddle

The easiest way to start hacking on React is using the following JSFiddle Hello World examples:

 * **[React JSFiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/vjeux/kb3gN/)**
 * [React JSFiddle without JSX](http://jsfiddle.net/vjeux/VkebS/)

## Starter Kit

Download the starter kit to get started.

<div class="buttons-unit downloads">
  <a href="/react/downloads/react-{{site.react_version}}.zip" class="button">
    Download Starter Kit {{site.react_version}}

In the root directory of the starter kit, create a `helloworld.html` with the following contents.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="build/react.js"></script>
    <script src="build/JSXTransformer.js"></script>
    <div id="example"></div>
    <script type="text/jsx">
      /** @jsx React.DOM */
        <h1>Hello, world!</h1>,

The XML syntax inside of JavaScript is called JSX; check out the [JSX syntax](/react/docs/jsx-in-depth.html) to learn more about it. In order to translate it to vanilla JavaScript we use `<script type="text/jsx">` and include `JSXTransformer.js` to actually perform the transformation in the browser.

### Separate File

Your React JSX code can live in a separate file. Create the following `src/helloworld.js`.

/** @jsx React.DOM */
  <h1>Hello, world!</h1>,
Then reference it from `helloworld.html`:

<script type="text/jsx" src="src/helloworld.js"></script>

### Offline Transform

First install the command-line tools (requires [npm](http://npmjs.org/)):

npm install -g react-tools

Then, translate your `src/helloworld.js` file to plain JavaScript:

jsx --watch src/ build/


The file `build/helloworld.js` is autogenerated whenever you make a change.

/** @jsx React.DOM */
  React.DOM.h1(null, 'Hello, world!'),

> Note:
> The comment parser is very strict right now; in order for it to pick up the `@jsx` modifier, two conditions are required. The `@jsx` comment block must be the first comment on the file. The comment must start with `/**` (`/*` and `//` will not work). If the parser can't find the `@jsx` comment, it will output the file without transforming it.

Update your HTML file as below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello React!</title>
    <script src="build/react.js"></script>
    <!-- No need for JSXTransformer! -->
    <div id="example"></div>
    <script src="build/helloworld.js"></script>

## Want CommonJS?

If you want to use React with [browserify](http://browserify.org/), [webpack](http://webpack.github.io/), or another CommonJS-compatible module system, just use the [`react` npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/react). In addition, the `jsx` build tool can be integrated into most packaging systems (not just CommonJS) quite easily.

## Next Steps

Check out [the tutorial](/react/docs/tutorial.html) and the other examples in the starter kit's `examples` directory to learn more. Good luck, and welcome!