--- id: examples title: Example Projects layout: community sectionid: community permalink: community/examples.html --- There are many example projects created by the React community. Feel free to add your own project. If you add a project, please commit to keeping it up to date with the latest versions of React. * **[Calculator](https://github.com/ahfarmer/calculator)** Implementation of the iOS calculator built in React * **[Emoji Search](https://github.com/ahfarmer/emoji-search)** Simple React app for searching emoji * **[Github Battle App](https://tm.dev/react-course-project/)** Battle two Github users and see the most popular Github projects for any language. * **[React Powered Hacker News Client](https://github.com/insin/react-hn)** A React & react-router-powered implementation of Hacker News using its Firebase API. * **[Pokedex](https://github.com/alik0211/pokedex)** The list of Pokémon with live search * **[Shopping Cart](https://github.com/jeffersonRibeiro/react-shopping-cart)** Simple ecommerce cart application built using React * **[Progressive Web Tetris](https://github.com/skidding/flatris)** Besides a beautiful, mobile-friendly implementation of Tetris, this project is a playground for integrating and experimenting with web technologies. * **[Product Comparison Page](https://github.com/Rhymond/product-compare-react)** Simple Product Compare page built in React * **[Hacker News Clone React/GraphQL](https://github.com/clintonwoo/hackernews-react-graphql)** Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL. * **[Bitcoin Price Index](https://github.com/mrkjlchvz/bitcoin-price-index)** Simple bitcoin price index data from CoinDesk API. * **[Builder Book](https://github.com/builderbook/builderbook)** Open source web app to write and host documentation or sell books. Built with React, Material-UI, Next, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB. * **[GFonts Space](https://github.com/pankajladhar/GFontsSpace)** A space which allows user to play with Google fonts. Built with React, Redux and React-Router. * **[Course Learn Page](https://github.com/ulearnpro/ulearn)** Open Source LMS script in Laravel 5.8 and ReactJS 16.9 * **[Speedy math](https://github.com/pankajladhar/speedy-math)** An application which allows kids to practice basic Mathematics i.e Addition, Subtraction, Multiply, Comparison. It is a PWA (Progressive web app) with offline support and install as App features. * **[Unit Converter](https://github.com/KarthikeyanRanasthala/react-unit-converter)** Minimal Yet Responsive Unit Converter Built With React, Material-UI & Convert-Units. * **[BMI Calculator](https://github.com/GermaVinsmoke/bmi-calculator)** A React Hooks app for calculating BMI