--- id: jsx-spread title: JSX Spread Attributes permalink: jsx-spread.html prev: jsx-in-depth.html next: jsx-gotchas.html --- If you know all the properties that you want to place on a component ahead of time, it is easy to use JSX: ```javascript var component = ; ``` ## Mutating Props is Bad, mkay If you don't know which properties you want to set, you might be tempted to add them onto the object later: ```javascript var component = ; component.props.foo = x; // bad component.props.bar = y; // also bad ``` This is an anti-pattern because it means that we can't help you check the right propTypes until way later. This means that your propTypes errors end up with a cryptic stack trace. The props should be considered immutable. Mutating the props object somewhere else could cause unexpected consequences so ideally it would be a frozen object at this point. ## Spread Attributes Now you can use a new feature of JSX called spread attributes: ```javascript var props = {}; props.foo = x; props.bar = y; var component = ; ``` The properties of the object that you pass in are copied onto the component's props. You can use this multiple times or combine it with other attributes. The specification order is important. Later attributes override previous ones. ```javascript var props = { foo: 'default' }; var component = ; console.log(component.props.foo); // 'override' ``` ## What's with the weird `...` notation? The `...` operator (or spread operator) is already supported for [arrays in ES6](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_operator). There is also an ES7 proposal for [Object Rest and Spread Properties](https://github.com/sebmarkbage/ecmascript-rest-spread). We're taking advantage of these supported and developing standards in order to provide a cleaner syntax in JSX.