import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; const CIRCLE_SIZE = 85; class DragBox extends React.Component { state = { hasCapture: false, circleLeft: 80, circleTop: 80, }; isDragging = false; previousLeft = 0; previousTop = 0; onDown = event => { this.isDragging = true;; // We store the initial coordinates to be able to calculate the changes // later on. this.extractPositionDelta(event); }; onMove = event => { if (!this.isDragging) { return; } const {left, top} = this.extractPositionDelta(event); this.setState(({circleLeft, circleTop}) => ({ circleLeft: circleLeft + left, circleTop: circleTop + top, })); }; onUp = event => (this.isDragging = false); onGotCapture = event => this.setState({hasCapture: true}); onLostCapture = event => this.setState({hasCapture: false}); extractPositionDelta = event => { const left = event.pageX; const top = event.pageY; const delta = { left: left - this.previousLeft, top: top - this.previousTop, }; this.previousLeft = left; this.previousTop = top; return delta; }; render() { const {hasCapture, circleLeft, circleTop} = this.state; const boxStyle = { border: '1px solid #d9d9d9', margin: '10px 0 20px', minHeight: 400, width: '100%', position: 'relative', }; const circleStyle = { width: CIRCLE_SIZE, height: CIRCLE_SIZE, borderRadius: CIRCLE_SIZE / 2, position: 'absolute', left: circleLeft, top: circleTop, backgroundColor: hasCapture ? 'blue' : 'green', touchAction: 'none', }; return ( <div style={boxStyle}> <div style={circleStyle} onPointerDown={this.onDown} onPointerMove={this.onMove} onPointerUp={this.onUp} onPointerCancel={this.onUp} onGotPointerCapture={this.onGotCapture} onLostPointerCapture={this.onLostCapture} /> </div> ); } } ReactDOM.render( <DragBox />, document.getElementById('root') );