 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

html .sp-wrapper {
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html.dark .sp-tabs .sp-tab-button[data-active='true'] {
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html.dark .sp-code-editor .cm-diagnostic {
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.sp-code-editor .cm-diagnostic-error {
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.sp-code-editor .cm-diagnostic-warning {
  border-left: 5px solid orange;

 * These are manually adjusted to match the final
 * rendered version without any layout shifts.
 * Note this affects both sandboxes and code blocks.
 * There are probably more maintainable ways to do this.
 * However, as long as there are kind people paying close
 * attention to these subtler details, I shall sleep in peace.
 * If you know a better way to keep them from diverging, send a PR.
.sp-cm {
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.sp-cm .cm-scroller {
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.console .sp-cm .cm-scroller,
.console .sp-cm .cm-line {
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.sp-cm .cm-gutters {
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html.dark .sp-layout {
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html .sp-loading {
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html.dark .sp-loading {
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@media (min-width: 768px) {
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/* Devtools */
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.sp-devtools > div {
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html.dark .sp-devtools > div {
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.sp-devtools table td {
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/* Make focus rings work */
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.sp-tab-button:focus {
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.sp-tab-button:focus-visible {
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.sp-cm:focus-visible {
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.cm-line {
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.cm-lineNumbers {
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/* For iOS: prevent browser zoom when clicking on sandbox. */
@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
  @supports (-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch) {
    .cm-content {
      font-size: initial;
    .DocSearch-Input {
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.sp-cm {
  padding-left: 8px !important;
.sp-layout {
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.sp-layout > .sp-stack:nth-child(1) {
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  /* No min height on mobile because we know code in advance. */
  /* Max height is needed to avoid too long files. */
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.sp-layout > .sp-stack:nth-child(2) {
  /* Force vertical if there isn't enough space. */
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  /* Keep preview a fixed size on mobile to avoid jumps. */
  /* This is because we don't know its content in advance. */
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.sp-layout.sp-layout-expanded > .sp-stack:nth-child(1) {
  /* Clicking "show more" lets mobile editor go full height. */
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  height: auto;
.sp-layout.sp-layout-expanded > .sp-stack:nth-child(2) {
  /* Clicking "show more" lets mobile preview go full height. */
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