--- id: test-renderer title: Test Renderer permalink: docs/test-renderer.html layout: docs category: Reference --- **Importing** ```javascript import TestRenderer from 'react-test-renderer'; // ES6 const TestRenderer = require('react-test-renderer'); // ES5 with npm ``` ## Overview {#overview} This package provides a React renderer that can be used to render React components to pure JavaScript objects, without depending on the DOM or a native mobile environment. Essentially, this package makes it easy to grab a snapshot of the platform view hierarchy (similar to a DOM tree) rendered by a React DOM or React Native component without using a browser or [jsdom](https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom). Example: ```javascript import TestRenderer from 'react-test-renderer'; function Link(props) { return {props.children}; } const testRenderer = TestRenderer.create( Facebook ); console.log(testRenderer.toJSON()); // { type: 'a', // props: { href: 'https://www.facebook.com/' }, // children: [ 'Facebook' ] } ``` You can use Jest's snapshot testing feature to automatically save a copy of the JSON tree to a file and check in your tests that it hasn't changed: [Learn more about it](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/snapshot-testing). You can also traverse the output to find specific nodes and make assertions about them. ```javascript import TestRenderer from 'react-test-renderer'; function MyComponent() { return (


) } function SubComponent() { return (


); } const testRenderer = TestRenderer.create(); const testInstance = testRenderer.root; expect(testInstance.findByType(SubComponent).props.foo).toBe('bar'); expect(testInstance.findByProps({className: "sub"}).children).toEqual(['Sub']); ``` ### TestRenderer {#testrenderer} * [`TestRenderer.create()`](#testrenderercreate) * [`TestRenderer.act()`](#testrendereract) ### TestRenderer instance {#testrenderer-instance} * [`testRenderer.toJSON()`](#testrenderertojson) * [`testRenderer.toTree()`](#testrenderertotree) * [`testRenderer.update()`](#testrendererupdate) * [`testRenderer.unmount()`](#testrendererunmount) * [`testRenderer.getInstance()`](#testrenderergetinstance) * [`testRenderer.root`](#testrendererroot) ### TestInstance {#testinstance} * [`testInstance.find()`](#testinstancefind) * [`testInstance.findByType()`](#testinstancefindbytype) * [`testInstance.findByProps()`](#testinstancefindbyprops) * [`testInstance.findAll()`](#testinstancefindall) * [`testInstance.findAllByType()`](#testinstancefindallbytype) * [`testInstance.findAllByProps()`](#testinstancefindallbyprops) * [`testInstance.instance`](#testinstanceinstance) * [`testInstance.type`](#testinstancetype) * [`testInstance.props`](#testinstanceprops) * [`testInstance.parent`](#testinstanceparent) * [`testInstance.children`](#testinstancechildren) ## Reference {#reference} ### `TestRenderer.create()` {#testrenderercreate} ```javascript TestRenderer.create(element, options); ``` Create a `TestRenderer` instance with the passed React element. It doesn't use the real DOM, but it still fully renders the component tree into memory so you can make assertions about it. Returns a [TestRenderer instance](#testrenderer-instance). ### `TestRenderer.act()` {#testrendereract} ```javascript TestRenderer.act(callback); ``` Similar to the [`act()` helper from `react-dom/test-utils`](/docs/test-utils.html#act), `TestRenderer.act` prepares a component for assertions. Use this version of `act()` to wrap calls to `TestRenderer.create` and `testRenderer.update`. ```javascript import {create, act} from 'react-test-renderer'; import App from './app.js'; // The component being tested // render the component let root; act(() => { root = create() }); // make assertions on root expect(root.toJSON()).toMatchSnapshot(); // update with some different props act(() => { root.update(); }) // make assertions on root expect(root.toJSON()).toMatchSnapshot(); ``` ### `testRenderer.toJSON()` {#testrenderertojson} ```javascript testRenderer.toJSON() ``` Return an object representing the rendered tree. This tree only contains the platform-specific nodes like `
` or `` and their props, but doesn't contain any user-written components. This is handy for [snapshot testing](https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/en/snapshot-testing.html#snapshot-testing-with-jest). ### `testRenderer.toTree()` {#testrenderertotree} ```javascript testRenderer.toTree() ``` Return an object representing the rendered tree. The representation is more detailed than the one provided by `toJSON()`, and includes the user-written components. You probably don't need this method unless you're writing your own assertion library on top of the test renderer. ### `testRenderer.update()` {#testrendererupdate} ```javascript testRenderer.update(element) ``` Re-render the in-memory tree with a new root element. This simulates a React update at the root. If the new element has the same type and key as the previous element, the tree will be updated; otherwise, it will re-mount a new tree. ### `testRenderer.unmount()` {#testrendererunmount} ```javascript testRenderer.unmount() ``` Unmount the in-memory tree, triggering the appropriate lifecycle events. ### `testRenderer.getInstance()` {#testrenderergetinstance} ```javascript testRenderer.getInstance() ``` Return the instance corresponding to the root element, if available. This will not work if the root element is a function component because they don't have instances. ### `testRenderer.root` {#testrendererroot} ```javascript testRenderer.root ``` Returns the root "test instance" object that is useful for making assertions about specific nodes in the tree. You can use it to find other "test instances" deeper below. ### `testInstance.find()` {#testinstancefind} ```javascript testInstance.find(test) ``` Find a single descendant test instance for which `test(testInstance)` returns `true`. If `test(testInstance)` does not return `true` for exactly one test instance, it will throw an error. ### `testInstance.findByType()` {#testinstancefindbytype} ```javascript testInstance.findByType(type) ``` Find a single descendant test instance with the provided `type`. If there is not exactly one test instance with the provided `type`, it will throw an error. ### `testInstance.findByProps()` {#testinstancefindbyprops} ```javascript testInstance.findByProps(props) ``` Find a single descendant test instance with the provided `props`. If there is not exactly one test instance with the provided `props`, it will throw an error. ### `testInstance.findAll()` {#testinstancefindall} ```javascript testInstance.findAll(test) ``` Find all descendant test instances for which `test(testInstance)` returns `true`. ### `testInstance.findAllByType()` {#testinstancefindallbytype} ```javascript testInstance.findAllByType(type) ``` Find all descendant test instances with the provided `type`. ### `testInstance.findAllByProps()` {#testinstancefindallbyprops} ```javascript testInstance.findAllByProps(props) ``` Find all descendant test instances with the provided `props`. ### `testInstance.instance` {#testinstanceinstance} ```javascript testInstance.instance ``` The component instance corresponding to this test instance. It is only available for class components, as function components don't have instances. It matches the `this` value inside the given component. ### `testInstance.type` {#testinstancetype} ```javascript testInstance.type ``` The component type corresponding to this test instance. For example, a `