--- title: React v0.11 author: [zpao] --- **Update:** We missed a few important changes in our initial post and changelog. We've updated this post with details about [Descriptors](#descriptors) and [Prop Type Validation](#prop-type-validation). - - - We're really happy to announce the availability of React v0.11. There seems to be a lot of excitement already and we appreciate everybody who gave the release candidate a try over the weekend. We made a couple small changes in response to the feedback and issues filed. We enabled the destructuring assignment transform when using `jsx --harmony`, fixed a small regression with `statics`, and made sure we actually exposed the new API we said we were shipping: `React.Children.count`. This version has been cooking for a couple months now and includes a wide array of bug fixes and features. We highlighted some of the most important changes below, along with the full changelog. The release is available for download from the CDN: * **React** Dev build with warnings: Minified build for production: * **React with Add-Ons** Dev build with warnings: Minified build for production: * **In-Browser JSX transformer** We've also published version `0.11.0` of the `react` and `react-tools` packages on npm and the `react` package on bower. Please try these builds out and [file an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/new) if you see anything awry. ## `getDefaultProps` Starting in React 0.11, `getDefaultProps()` is called only once when `React.createClass()` is called, instead of each time a component is rendered. This means that `getDefaultProps()` can no longer vary its return value based on `this.props` and any objects will be shared across all instances. This change improves performance and will make it possible in the future to do PropTypes checks earlier in the rendering process, allowing us to give better error messages. ## Rendering to `null` Since React's release, people have been using work arounds to "render nothing". Usually this means returning an empty `
` or ``. Some people even got clever and started returning `