id: optimizing-performance
title: Optimizing Performance
permalink: docs/optimizing-performance.html
- "docs/advanced-performance.html"
Internally, React uses several clever techniques to minimize the number of costly DOM operations required to update the UI. For many applications, using React will lead to a fast user interface without doing much work to specifically optimize for performance. Nevertheless, there are several ways you can speed up your React application.
## Use the Production Build {#use-the-production-build}
If you're benchmarking or experiencing performance problems in your React apps, make sure you're testing with the minified production build.
By default, React includes many helpful warnings. These warnings are very useful in development. However, they make React larger and slower so you should make sure to use the production version when you deploy the app.
If you aren't sure whether your build process is set up correctly, you can check it by installing [React Developer Tools for Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/react-developer-tools/fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi). If you visit a site with React in production mode, the icon will have a dark background:
If you visit a site with React in development mode, the icon will have a red background:
It is expected that you use the development mode when working on your app, and the production mode when deploying your app to the users.
You can find instructions for building your app for production below.
### Create React App {#create-react-app}
If your project is built with [Create React App](https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app), run:
npm run build
This will create a production build of your app in the `build/` folder of your project.
Remember that this is only necessary before deploying to production. For normal development, use `npm start`.
### Single-File Builds {#single-file-builds}
We offer production-ready versions of React and React DOM as single files:
Remember that only React files ending with `.production.min.js` are suitable for production.
### Brunch {#brunch}
For the most efficient Brunch production build, install the [`terser-brunch`](https://github.com/brunch/terser-brunch) plugin:
# If you use npm
npm install --save-dev terser-brunch
# If you use Yarn
yarn add --dev terser-brunch
Then, to create a production build, add the `-p` flag to the `build` command:
brunch build -p
Remember that you only need to do this for production builds. You shouldn't pass the `-p` flag or apply this plugin in development, because it will hide useful React warnings and make the builds much slower.
### Browserify {#browserify}
For the most efficient Browserify production build, install a few plugins:
# If you use npm
npm install --save-dev envify terser uglifyify
# If you use Yarn
yarn add --dev envify terser uglifyify
To create a production build, make sure that you add these transforms **(the order matters)**:
* The [`envify`](https://github.com/hughsk/envify) transform ensures the right build environment is set. Make it global (`-g`).
* The [`uglifyify`](https://github.com/hughsk/uglifyify) transform removes development imports. Make it global too (`-g`).
* Finally, the resulting bundle is piped to [`terser`](https://github.com/terser-js/terser) for mangling ([read why](https://github.com/hughsk/uglifyify#motivationusage)).
For example:
browserify ./index.js \
-g [ envify --NODE_ENV production ] \
-g uglifyify \
| terser --compress --mangle > ./bundle.js
Remember that you only need to do this for production builds. You shouldn't apply these plugins in development because they will hide useful React warnings, and make the builds much slower.
### Rollup {#rollup}
For the most efficient Rollup production build, install a few plugins:
# If you use npm
npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-commonjs rollup-plugin-replace rollup-plugin-terser
# If you use Yarn
yarn add --dev rollup-plugin-commonjs rollup-plugin-replace rollup-plugin-terser
To create a production build, make sure that you add these plugins **(the order matters)**:
* The [`replace`](https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-replace) plugin ensures the right build environment is set.
* The [`commonjs`](https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-commonjs) plugin provides support for CommonJS in Rollup.
* The [`terser`](https://github.com/TrySound/rollup-plugin-terser) plugin compresses and mangles the final bundle.
plugins: [
// ...
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production')
// ...
For a complete setup example [see this gist](https://gist.github.com/Rich-Harris/cb14f4bc0670c47d00d191565be36bf0).
Remember that you only need to do this for production builds. You shouldn't apply the `terser` plugin or the `replace` plugin with `'production'` value in development because they will hide useful React warnings, and make the builds much slower.
### webpack {#webpack}
>If you're using Create React App, please follow [the instructions above](#create-react-app).
>This section is only relevant if you configure webpack directly.
Webpack v4+ will minify your code by default in production mode.
const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
mode: 'production',
optimization: {
minimizer: [new TerserPlugin({ /* additional options here */ })],
You can learn more about this in [webpack documentation](https://webpack.js.org/guides/production/).
Remember that you only need to do this for production builds. You shouldn't apply `TerserPlugin` in development because it will hide useful React warnings, and make the builds much slower.
## Profiling Components with the DevTools Profiler {#profiling-components-with-the-devtools-profiler}
`react-dom` 16.5+ and `react-native` 0.57+ provide enhanced profiling capabilities in DEV mode with the React DevTools Profiler.
An overview of the Profiler can be found in the blog post ["Introducing the React Profiler"](/blog/2018/09/10/introducing-the-react-profiler.html).
A video walkthrough of the profiler is also [available on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nySib7ipZdk).
If you haven't yet installed the React DevTools, you can find them here:
- [Chrome Browser Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/react-developer-tools/fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi?hl=en)
- [Firefox Browser Extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/react-devtools/)
- [Standalone Node Package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-devtools)
> Note
> A production profiling bundle of `react-dom` is also available as `react-dom/profiling`.
> Read more about how to use this bundle at [fb.me/react-profiling](https://fb.me/react-profiling)
> Note
> Before React 17, we use the standard [User Timing API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/User_Timing_API) to profile components with the chrome performance tab.
> For a more detailed walkthrough, check out [this article by Ben Schwarz](https://calibreapp.com/blog/react-performance-profiling-optimization).
## Virtualize Long Lists {#virtualize-long-lists}
If your application renders long lists of data (hundreds or thousands of rows), we recommend using a technique known as "windowing". This technique only renders a small subset of your rows at any given time, and can dramatically reduce the time it takes to re-render the components as well as the number of DOM nodes created.
[react-window](https://react-window.now.sh/) and [react-virtualized](https://bvaughn.github.io/react-virtualized/) are popular windowing libraries. They provide several reusable components for displaying lists, grids, and tabular data. You can also create your own windowing component, like [Twitter did](https://medium.com/@paularmstrong/twitter-lite-and-high-performance-react-progressive-web-apps-at-scale-d28a00e780a3), if you want something more tailored to your application's specific use case.
## Avoid Reconciliation {#avoid-reconciliation}
React builds and maintains an internal representation of the rendered UI. It includes the React elements you return from your components. This representation lets React avoid creating DOM nodes and accessing existing ones beyond necessity, as that can be slower than operations on JavaScript objects. Sometimes it is referred to as a "virtual DOM", but it works the same way on React Native.
When a component's props or state change, React decides whether an actual DOM update is necessary by comparing the newly returned element with the previously rendered one. When they are not equal, React will update the DOM.
Even though React only updates the changed DOM nodes, re-rendering still takes some time. In many cases it's not a problem, but if the slowdown is noticeable, you can speed all of this up by overriding the lifecycle function `shouldComponentUpdate`, which is triggered before the re-rendering process starts. The default implementation of this function returns `true`, leaving React to perform the update:
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return true;
If you know that in some situations your component doesn't need to update, you can return `false` from `shouldComponentUpdate` instead, to skip the whole rendering process, including calling `render()` on this component and below.
In most cases, instead of writing `shouldComponentUpdate()` by hand, you can inherit from [`React.PureComponent`](/docs/react-api.html#reactpurecomponent). It is equivalent to implementing `shouldComponentUpdate()` with a shallow comparison of current and previous props and state.
## shouldComponentUpdate In Action {#shouldcomponentupdate-in-action}
Here's a subtree of components. For each one, `SCU` indicates what `shouldComponentUpdate` returned, and `vDOMEq` indicates whether the rendered React elements were equivalent. Finally, the circle's color indicates whether the component had to be reconciled or not.