/** * @jsx React.DOM */ var IS_MOBILE = ( navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows Phone/i) ); var CodeMirrorEditor = React.createClass({ componentDidMount: function() { if (IS_MOBILE) return; this.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.refs.editor.getDOMNode(), { mode: 'javascript', lineNumbers: false, lineWrapping: true, smartIndent: false, // javascript mode does bad things with jsx indents matchBrackets: true, theme: 'solarized-light', readOnly: this.props.readOnly }); this.editor.on('change', this.handleChange); }, componentDidUpdate: function() { if (this.props.readOnly) { this.editor.setValue(this.props.codeText); } }, handleChange: function() { if (!this.props.readOnly) { this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(this.editor.getValue()); } }, render: function() { // wrap in a div to fully contain CodeMirror var editor; if (IS_MOBILE) { editor = <pre style={{overflow: 'scroll'}}>{this.props.codeText}</pre>; } else { editor = <textarea ref="editor" defaultValue={this.props.codeText} />; } return ( <div style={this.props.style} className={this.props.className}> {editor} </div> ); } }); var selfCleaningTimeout = { componentDidUpdate: function() { clearTimeout(this.timeoutID); }, setTimeout: function() { clearTimeout(this.timeoutID); this.timeoutID = setTimeout.apply(null, arguments); } }; var ReactPlayground = React.createClass({ mixins: [selfCleaningTimeout], MODES: {JSX: 'JSX', JS: 'JS'}, //keyMirror({JSX: true, JS: true}), propTypes: { codeText: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, transformer: React.PropTypes.func, renderCode: React.PropTypes.bool, }, getDefaultProps: function() { return { transformer: function(code) { return JSXTransformer.transform(code).code; }, showCompiledJSTab: true }; }, getInitialState: function() { return { mode: this.MODES.JSX, code: this.props.codeText, }; }, handleCodeChange: function(value) { this.setState({code: value}); this.executeCode(); }, handleCodeModeSwitch: function(mode) { this.setState({mode: mode}); }, compileCode: function() { return this.props.transformer(this.state.code); }, render: function() { var isJS = this.state.mode === this.MODES.JS; var compiledCode = ''; try { compiledCode = this.compileCode(); } catch (err) {} var JSContent = <CodeMirrorEditor key="js" className="playgroundStage CodeMirror-readonly" onChange={this.handleCodeChange} codeText={compiledCode} readOnly={true} />; var JSXContent = <CodeMirrorEditor key="jsx" onChange={this.handleCodeChange} className="playgroundStage" codeText={this.state.code} />; var JSXTabClassName = 'playground-tab' + (isJS ? '' : ' playground-tab-active'); var JSTabClassName = 'playground-tab' + (isJS ? ' playground-tab-active' : ''); var JSTab = <div className={JSTabClassName} onClick={this.handleCodeModeSwitch.bind(this, this.MODES.JS)}> Compiled JS </div>; var JSXTab = <div className={JSXTabClassName} onClick={this.handleCodeModeSwitch.bind(this, this.MODES.JSX)}> Live JSX Editor </div> return ( <div className="playground"> <div> {JSXTab} {this.props.showCompiledJSTab && JSTab} </div> <div className="playgroundCode"> {isJS ? JSContent : JSXContent} </div> <div className="playgroundPreview"> <div ref="mount" /> </div> </div> ); }, componentDidMount: function() { this.executeCode(); }, componentWillUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) { // execute code only when the state's not being updated by switching tab // this avoids re-displaying the error, which comes after a certain delay if (this.state.code !== nextState.code) { this.executeCode(); } }, executeCode: function() { var mountNode = this.refs.mount.getDOMNode(); try { React.unmountComponentAtNode(mountNode); } catch (e) { } try { var compiledCode = this.compileCode(); if (this.props.renderCode) { React.renderComponent( <CodeMirrorEditor codeText={compiledCode} readOnly={true} />, mountNode ); } else { eval(compiledCode); } } catch (err) { this.setTimeout(function() { React.renderComponent( <div className="playgroundError">{err.toString()}</div>, mountNode ); }, 500); } } });