- title: Installation
    - id: getting-started
      title: Getting Started
    - id: add-react-to-a-website
      title: Add React to a Website
    - id: create-a-new-react-app
      title: Create a New React App
    - id: cdn-links
      title: CDN Links
    - id: release-channels
      title: Release Channels
- title: Main Concepts
  isOrdered: true
    - id: hello-world
      title: Hello World
    - id: introducing-jsx
      title: Introducing JSX
    - id: rendering-elements
      title: Rendering Elements
    - id: components-and-props
      title: Components and Props
    - id: state-and-lifecycle
      title: State and Lifecycle
    - id: handling-events
      title: Handling Events
    - id: conditional-rendering
      title: Conditional Rendering
    - id: lists-and-keys
      title: Lists and Keys
    - id: forms
      title: Forms
    - id: lifting-state-up
      title: Lifting State Up
    - id: composition-vs-inheritance
      title: Composition vs Inheritance
    - id: thinking-in-react
      title: Thinking In React
- title: Advanced Guides
    - id: accessibility
      title: Accessibility
    - id: code-splitting
      title: Code-Splitting
    - id: context
      title: Context
    - id: error-boundaries
      title: Error Boundaries
    - id: forwarding-refs
      title: Forwarding Refs
    - id: fragments
      title: Fragments
    - id: higher-order-components
      title: Higher-Order Components
    - id: integrating-with-other-libraries
      title: Integrating with Other Libraries
    - id: jsx-in-depth
      title: JSX In Depth
    - id: optimizing-performance
      title: Optimizing Performance
    - id: portals
      title: Portals
    - id: profiler
      title: Profiler
    - id: react-without-es6
      title: React Without ES6
    - id: react-without-jsx
      title: React Without JSX
    - id: reconciliation
      title: Reconciliation
    - id: refs-and-the-dom
      title: Refs and the DOM
    - id: render-props
      title: Render Props
    - id: static-type-checking
      title: Static Type Checking
    - id: strict-mode
      title: Strict Mode
    - id: typechecking-with-proptypes
      title: Typechecking With PropTypes
    - id: uncontrolled-components
      title: Uncontrolled Components
    - id: web-components
      title: Web Components
- title: API Reference
    - id: react-api
      title: React
        - id: react-component
          title: React.Component
    - id: react-dom
      title: ReactDOM
    - id: react-dom-client
      title: ReactDOMClient
    - id: react-dom-server
      title: ReactDOMServer
    - id: dom-elements
      title: DOM Elements
    - id: events
      title: SyntheticEvent
    - id: test-utils
      title: Test Utilities
    - id: test-renderer
      title: Test Renderer
    - id: javascript-environment-requirements
      title: JS Environment Requirements
    - id: glossary
      title: Glossary
- title: Hooks
  isOrdered: true
    - id: hooks-intro
      title: Introducing Hooks
    - id: hooks-overview
      title: Hooks at a Glance
    - id: hooks-state
      title: Using the State Hook
    - id: hooks-effect
      title: Using the Effect Hook
    - id: hooks-rules
      title: Rules of Hooks
    - id: hooks-custom
      title: Building Your Own Hooks
    - id: hooks-reference
      title: Hooks API Reference
    - id: hooks-faq
      title: Hooks FAQ
- title: Testing
    - id: testing
      title: Testing Overview
    - id: testing-recipes
      title: Testing Recipes
    - id: testing-environments
      title: Testing Environments
- title: Contributing
    - id: how-to-contribute
      title: How to Contribute
    - id: codebase-overview
      title: Codebase Overview
    - id: implementation-notes
      title: Implementation Notes
    - id: design-principles
      title: Design Principles
- title: FAQ
    - id: faq-ajax
      title: AJAX and APIs
    - id: faq-build
      title: Babel, JSX, and Build Steps
    - id: faq-functions
      title: Passing Functions to Components
    - id: faq-state
      title: Component State
    - id: faq-styling
      title: Styling and CSS
    - id: faq-structure
      title: File Structure
    - id: faq-versioning
      title: Versioning Policy
    - id: faq-internals
      title: Virtual DOM and Internals